• 27 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 21st, 2023


  • Every new technology is initially more expensive, then as it moves into mass production the cost goes down because of economies of scale - more suppliers, innovations in technique.

    Battery costs have gone down an insane amount already, and it doesn’t look like they’re done.

    Going further, what percentage of accidents affect the battery pack? The article seems to conflate Tesla manufacturing techniques that make cosmetic repairs difficult with all electric vehicles - just because Tesla has long repairs doesn’t mean all manufacturers do.

    It also talks about electric manufacturers going out of business, but is it 15% by number of businesses or by manufacturing volume? Lucid and Rivian aren’t making that many cars in terms of absolute volume, but could go under. Hyundai, Kia, Chevy et al. make a lot more cars and seem unlikely to collapse.

  • From your other comments seems like you’re trolling.

    But for anyone else reading this: I had seen numbers between 10-20% from Michigan and Minnesota for people who voted “uncommitted” in the primaries. There is smaller turnout for primaries than general elections, and democrats are only half or so of the turnout at the general election.

    It’s extremely unlikely that a 3rd party candidate will win with a fraction of the primary voters who are a fraction of the general election voters. If people went forward with a 3rd party candidate it does seem likely it could throw the election to Trump.

    I support the uncommitted campaign in so far as it alarms Biden about losing voters who want to see action protecting Palestinians and makes him change his positions.

    I don’t think those same people should vote 3rd party during the general election because of the classic bullshit choice we have to keep making: the lesser of two evils.

    Let’s also remember: there are many obstacles to even getting listed on the ballot, and those requirements vary state by state. Even if someone well funded decided to run today, it’s unlikely they could get their name on the ballot in every state. (So add ballot access reform to the wishlist along with ranked choice voting and eliminating the electoral college)

  • I’ll vote third party anytime someone has a realistic chance to win, but that’s not the U.S. presidential election. There’s a reason for the trope “throwing your vote away”.

    In an ideal world we’d get rid of the electoral college and implement ranked choice voting. Until then, the primaries are where we maybe have some chance to influence who becomes president.

  • Yes, I think all the contacts should be retained, because those interactions are useful information. And at the one company we did have a custom checkbox field for “not at the company anymore”, but I would really like that information to change the way the records are displayed. Like if I’m looking at an account page, and I’m looking at the list of contacts, the ones who are still there should be listed first, and the people who are gone should be grayed out or something. Having to open each record one at a time is cumbersome, and the page load times are so bad.