I know Matt primarily from tumblr and the absolute bullshit he’s pulling over there so I’m biased. Thank you for that clarification :)
I know Matt primarily from tumblr and the absolute bullshit he’s pulling over there so I’m biased. Thank you for that clarification :)
Which one is that, I get confused because I use neither and the technicalities scare me: the one owned by known fucking weirdo (and CEO!) photomatt or the other, underdog one?
If the former: that’s some bullshit, goddammit.
If the latter: haha, so quirky!
I also thought until just now that the other headline I saw about this actually was an onion.
This being an old comic and people instantly forming the (seemingly) obvious connection to recent events seems like a good illustration of the concept of the dead author.
The gang on It’s Always Sunny is worse but they are obviously not people we’re supposed to empathise with. It’s quite a bit less obvious on Seinfeld.
familiar with German
Exactly. Different languages have different phonology that you have to be familiar with, there is no one way to “spell it like it’s pronounced” (except IPA and even that can be tricky).
“Eichhörnchenschwanz” is spelt exactly like it’s pronounced. Does this help you pronounce it?
Rimworld loading add-ons and then a wall of red text.
Don’t take this the wrong way but that’s the internet. Unless you’re on a country specific page or a country specific forum, the USians are going to dominate, here and anywhere else. There really isn’t much anyone can do about it.
Be Batman, have prep time.
“Let’s see one upvoted opinion in favour of killing this healthy cat. Echo chamber!”
What about society exactly do I not understand?
a lot of people will sit on their ass all day and take advantage of it
And they’d be entitled to just that. That’s the point: nobody being forced to work just to survive. You don’t understand the concept.
True, I just wanted to phrase it in the terms of capitalism.
At first, maybe. But that’s the neat thing about capitalism and the free market: the first to lower their prices again has a huge advantage. There’s always an incentive to operate at minimal profit.
Why wouldn’t UBI and capitalism be able to coexist? It makes MORE capitalism possible, as it were, expanding its principles of supply and demand to fields such as employment. Right now, people need a job, any job, and if there’s no job that fulfills your needs, tough - you take the shitty one and you’ll like it. With a UBI, you could shop around for the perfect job, choosing the best offer, or not “buy” at all right now because the market doesn’t offer what you want and it’s not like you’re going to starve without a job. Employers would be forced to make YOU an offer that YOU can accept and if they can’t operate under these circumstance, tough. Capitalism in a nutshell, really.
Well, maybe if it says “AI predicts” (instead of “science”, “climate models” etc), they might listen.
Everyone knows the best memes are those prepared in advance and committee-designed to be memes.
The infamous Handy that I’m typing this on.
Well, if Alison Brie can pull off Evil-Lyn, a scrawny kid can bulk up. Always wait until you see them in costume.