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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • People keep asking about storage and that’s a valid concern. I remember a while ago Linus made a video about a crypto that can be mined with storage. So he made a huge raid of old drives. I wonder if something like this could or would be practical for a decentralized storage solution. Like… Encourage people to set up NAS’s that can be used sort of like torrent seeding for a decentralized video platform and reward them with crypto.

    I dunno… Just thinking out loud.

    Edit: Jeez hit a nerve with the crypto thing, huh? Then what’s the solution? Storage costs money. So ads? Subscription cost?

  • Oh hey! I actually read into this recently. It came from wondering what exactly “The Witching Hour” was, and apparently it was invented by Christians and it’s between 3am and 4am. I thought “oh hey that’s interesting when did that start?”, and then when I read that it may have started back in 1535 I was like “Wait how the fuck did they know it was 3am in 1535? When were clocks invented?!”

    So that’s when I found out that mechanical clocks actually date back to the 1300s

    So then I was like “well how did they tell time at night before that?” and it ends up that all the way back in the 16th century BC, they had these things called water clocks. So basically, they had figured out the sun dial a few hundred years before that, and while tracking an hour, they had 2 vessels, one full of water and the other empty. They would have the water flow from one to the other so that when the top vessel was empty, x amount of time had passed (for sake of simplicity call it a hour), then they would pour the water back into the top vessel to measure the next hour, and they were able to do this without the sun. It was basically the same concept of an hourglass (which actually didn’t come around until 1000 AD) but with water.

    And before sundials and water clocks? I dunno. I guess they just went to sleep when the sun went down, and woke up when it came up, and didn’t plan things around specific times. Sounds pretty nice, honestly.

  • If anybody is curious, here are the details on how to do that: https://www.pdq.com/blog/how-to-block-the-windows-11-upgrade/

    If you want to take it a step further, write a Powershell script that checks that the registry entry is what you want it to be, and then changes it if it is not. Then create a scheduled task to run at login that runs the script. That way if/when Microsoft pushes an update that switches the registry entry back, the scheduled task will flip it back after installing updates/rebooting/logging in.

    I am currently fighting this battle with New Outlook in Win 11 23H2. It’s really annoying. I can get rid of it with registry entries, but when windows does updates it reverts the registry changes back. So scheduled task it is. It would be great if there was an Intune configuration profile to deal with this, but that would go against Microsoft’s current methods of shoving new products down your throat.

  • I know you said you don’t agree, so this argument is for the hypothetical person who holds that opinion…

    With that said. My wife and I crunched the numbers recently. If we lived like people in the 50s, which is to say, we lived as poor as we could and completely wrecked our quality of life (eating as cheap as possible, no Netflix, never eating out, no luxuries at all), we would save like $10k a year. Which means that if we did that for 10 years, we would have enough for a down payment on a house that we would not be able to afford the monthly mortgage on (and a house in that price range would be a wreck in our neighborhood. A standard 3bed 2bath in good condition where I live starts at about 800k).

    It’s insane. This isn’t some “just stop eating avacado toast” thing.

  • I will definitely check it out. A lot of what I have heard is from the podcast “Darknet Diaries”. I feel like it is pretty commonly known around here but, man… It exposed me to a lot of things that I did not know were going on. And that’s what is currently public information. What is not public information is probably way way worse. Another commenter below mentioned something about countries spying on countries, but what is currently happening in the digital warfare realm is way more than spying. As the OP article goes into, we are talking about attacks on infrastructure. That is not spying. The line needs to be drawn somewhere. Like… Attempted murder is a crime. Why is attempted hacking on infrastructure that would kill a bunch of people not a war crime?

    The concept of war is changing rapidly in the age of information. Why would you deploy boots on the ground when you can use technology to break down a country from the inside?

  • The whole “Is hacking an act of war?” thing needs to be seriously reconsidered. Of course, if the US decided it was, they would be guilty of so many acts of war. And it’s not just the US. Everybody is trying to hack everybody and acting like killing people by bringing down a power grid is somehow different than killing people by dropping a bomb. The outcome is the same: You did something that intentionally killed people.

    Of course saying that hacking is an act of war opens up a huge can of worms. Suddenly small time hackers are being charged with or framed for war crimes.

    It’s a delicate issue, but I think it is worth revisiting.

  • My dog goes absolutely apeshit when there is a non-human creature on TV. At first I thought he was just barking at dogs on the TV. Then it was any kind of animal. Then he started identifying and barking at any non-human. I mean like… I couldnt watch Lord of the Rings because he would bark at dwarves, elves, and Orcs. It’s fucking insane. And it’s not just live action stuff. The animated mucinex blob guy? Bark fest. Bluey the animated dog that walks upright on 2 legs? Bark fest. I used to love watching nature documentaries, and movies with aliens… I can’t anymore, because my dog thinks that these creatures teleported into our living room and he needs to alert us to save our lives. And it’s not like he would even stand a chance in any kind of face-off with these things. He’s a 25lb mini labradoodle. The other day I was watching True Detective and there was a polar bear on the screen and he charged at the TV growling and barking and I’m like “Hey bud… That thing would devour the shit out of you. You would be a tasty little morsel for a polar bear. Know your size”


    But I love him. He’s the bestest boy.

  • I’m really surprised Dokaryan hasn’t done this one yet. For those unfamiliar he’s a guy that makes videos of soaking food in liqour for a week “or until something interesting happens”. He then eats some of the food, and takes a shot of the liqour. His concoctions range from really delicious (strawberry candy in blueberry vodka) to downright foul (squid in Kraken rum).

    His personality probably isn’t for everybody. He’s kinda loud and owns way too many fedoras, but he has grown on me.