• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • There’s a lot of gamers in this thread too young to remember how overloaded and miserable the free console game servers were.

    Microsoft was like “chuck us like ~$5 per month and we will put up enough servers so the games are actually playable”. At the time, it was the best deal available for console gaming.

    Honestly an argument could be made it was the most economical way to play online, in general, at the time. The console cost was subsidized, and the online servers were arguably at-cost, and you really only needed to buy one copy of Halo to join the fun.

  • I don’t hear about “The Vorkosigan Saga” anywhere near enough for how good it is.

    A scientist gets trapped on a planet with only a barbarian idiot warmonger to help her survive.

    Eight or so books later and we get to read about the not quite scandal across her space empire when she takes a new lover and her star romping space knight sons can’t quite figure out how to handle their new stepdad.

    And a lot of star empire drama, ego, heroism, and compassion in between. It’s so fun, y’all.

  • When something that big barely turns a profit, I immediately suspect Hollywood accounting.

    But if true, they made a game, covered their costs, left the company with an asset that can keep making sales, and probably developed their in-house talent and tooling along the way. That’s a lot of points in the “win” column.

    Wise leaders understand that, in business, victory means getting to try another project with the same team, next year. Failure means disolution of the business. Earn enough years and projects with the same team in a row, and maybe you take one of the big wins one of those years.

  • Yeah. There was so much wasted potential in the DCEU.

    But I don’t consider Aquaman wasted potential at all. I’m a fan of the comic, but the source material never tried to be Black Panther, so a movie that did wouldn’t have worked anyway.

    Considering “The Aquaman” made it to 2 films, I figure Hasbro will be calling Jason Mamoa to star in a “Seaspray” movie any minute. Maybe have him cameo as Boat-guy-wity-parrot in a GI Joe movie, just for good measure.

    My hopes for James Gunns version are pretty high. PeaceMaker is so lovingly made.

    I do worry because I haven’t seen James Gunn take on the unironically uplifting side of DC yet, and it needs to be there for the DCU to work.