Hello! My name is Rykah, call me Mercury if you prefer. I’m into punk (the cultures and the genre) and I’m a multi-media artist. Check out some of my work and my link tree over on Tumblr: https://in-a-field-of-paper-flowers.tumblr.com/about/

Listening to: Eels - I Need Some Sleep

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: April 30th, 2024


  • Oh. Hmm. That’s how I’ve always approached my work for corporations. I don’t think it’s fair of them to ask for any more than that when they’re literally destroying our planet. Fuck 'em. Also, I mean, it’s not really quitting if they’re still working, is it? Odd terminology.

    Addendum: Just ran into a good “old” quote about this: “How in the hell could a man enjoy being awakened at 6:30 by an alarm clock, leap out of bed, dress, force-feed, shit, piss, brush their teeth, brush their hair, and then fight traffic to get to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else and were asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so?” - Charles Bukowski, Factotum, 1975. We live in slavery. We are forced to work to our deaths just to attempt staying alive. If you must work most if not all of your life just to feed and shelter yourself when those resources are abundant, that is slavery, more so when you - have - to support quite literally fatal industries to do so, and pay taxes. It is not a system of consent. It is not a system of acceptability. It is not a system where I’m gonna fucking smile and pretend everything is okay while people suffer terribly for truly no actual reason but imaginary fucking numbers that some assholes decided is more important than human lives.

  • I don’t think quitting should be quiet. I also don’t believe in this bullshit about food costing money. We pay too much in taxes that pretty much all farms rely on for that shit. If farmers truly do need more so everyone can have free food, for fuck’s sake, give them more. Why the hell are we paying so much to kill people instead of feed people? I’d so much rather pay a farmer than the military industrial complex, and frankly, I think most people would. We have to rise up. The corporations and the errant worker actually aren’t even the biggest problem with this story. The main problem is the government is not doing their fucking job, which is to properly distribute.

  • Fascist’s are always gonna be trying to drown out the message. They’re terrified to even try being on an equal playing field because then it becomes clear just how weak they really are as people. They refuse to change, they refuse to evolve, and it will be their downfall. Sadly, it may be everyone else’s as well if nothing is done about them. I really respect Kohei for being so valiant in sharing this perspective that is unfairly disrespected by the global hustle culture. We have to move into sustainable models of existence or the planet really is going to die. It cannot take the blind accumulation anymore. Humanity’s grown too big and that is a fact. We have to actually mature and start taking care of our environment. Degrowth communism is a sociological necessity.

  • I’m unemployed right now but all my previous jobs have been within a couple miles and I would walk or every once in a while get rides with coworkers. Usually I listen to music on my phone outside of conversation. I’m looking for work currently that’s either online or that can still function that way. I really hate to contribute to the petrochemical industry and I try to reduce it however I can. Anything beyond like 5 miles, I’d basically have to contribute. We don’t have much of any public transport in the center of America and the little we do have seems to all run on gas anyway. In my specific area there’s not even chargers for electric vehicles, not as far as I’ve seen. It’s pretty whack, imo.

  • Sustainability is absolutely impossible to achieve through capitalism, even if you instantly murder most all of the population, because of the very nature of how it views growth. It sees accumulation as being over wisdom and health, when it even considers the latter to be growth at all. Population is the way it is because of capitalism. Worse yet, we as a species are forced to do unethical reduction through war/murder/whatever if nature doesn’t take care of it for us, because of this “need” for constant accumulation. It’s a bad system. Don’t hate the player if you aren’t going to hate the game.

  • I’ve wondered if we should change the term to anti-job. I’ve many times seen people argue that anti-work must mean people becoming useless blobs that exist in some sort of permanently static state. Clarifying that actually - doing things - is not what anti-work is against seems to be of importance. Maybe that relatively small change can help avoid the misunderstanding.