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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Holy shit. It doesn’t matter if the Jews did committing acts of terrorism during ww2, and it doesn’t matter that Hamas has committed acts of terrorism.

    And I can tell you why it doesn’t matter in one (slightly run-on) sentence.

    Because no act of terrorism justifies the actions that Israel has taken against Palestinian civilians just as nothing that was done or could have been done by the Jews leading up to WW2 would have justified the holocaust

    There is no justification for genocide. Israel can attempt to eliminate Hamas for the actions committed on Oct 7th, but that doesn’t justify their complete disregard for civilian safety and well-being. (Nearly 30k palestinian civilians dead already)

    Also, I just want to make it clear that almost every piece of rhetoric that has been used to excuse Israel’s actions in this genocide, were also used to justify the actions taken against the Jews during WW2. And I’m sorry, but if you’re falling for it now, you probably would have fallen for it then too.

  • I agree with you that we should be exploring alternatives, but aircon is extremely energy efficient for how much thermal energy it moves (reaching 400% efficiency in some cases) . The problem isn’t aircon itself, but what is being used to power it (coal/natural gas power plants)

    In fact the technology behind aircon can be expanded into a heat pump to both heat and cool, being more efficient than electro-resistive or gas heating. There’s even water heaters that will actually cool the area they’re in and use the heat they gather from the space to heat the water.

    Technology Connections has a great series of videos that go in depth on both heat pumps and aircon.