• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Unfortunately and sadly doesn’t surprise me anymore. All big platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, YouTube, Pinterest and such) are allowing hateful stuff towards Palestinian people.

    However when someone criticizes Israel government and their genocide. Your comment, video or anything else gets removed within A day. Even if it is not even related to the entire thing.

    I have a Pinterest account and have a Palestinian board and it got twice removed for “hate speech” while it shows nothing of hate. Merely Palestinian things such as flags, clothes, people and such.

    It’s pretty obvious that social media as a whole is just a corrupt mess.

  • Yeah, I’m. For multiple reasons;

    • In Arabian culture, one doesn’t leave until marriage.
    • I’m still in university (almost finished tho).
    • Parents have health problems therefore, I’ll stay longer to take care for them.
    • House prices are insanely high (both renting and purchasing).

    I’m living in Europe though but my dad is from a Arabian country and well, culture stayed with him. Anyway, I’d help a lot at home. Household things, helping with groceries, medication and such.

    That said, I don’t care what anyone says about still living at home and not on my own. There will be always a chance to get an apartment but people often forget; parents won’t be here forever. One day they’ll pass away. Never forget that.

  • Very few people are downloading the big-name console games ported over to iPhone in the last year – and an even smaller number are paying $15-50 to unlock the full games.

    I mean… What did they expect? Playing on either console or PC is most of the time, the go to. Plays much smoother, bigger screen and perhaps better FPS.

    Playing on a iPhone means smaller screen, bothersome controls (sure you can connect your controller to it but then just play on console/PC). Not to mention the article wrote about “to unlock the full games” which I assume means, you’ll have to pay for the game plus pay within the game for certain things(?).

    The game is only playable on iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max and high-end iPads.

    This might also have to do with it, not everyone immediately purchases the newest iPhone (and then purchasing a game that is much better to be played on console/ PC).

    There was more I wanted to quote from the article but have to hurry for work.

  • Apologies forgot to comment, saw the message but was at university and forgot about it after that.

    Im not pretending he has no power im making he case that he doesnt have enough power to push this through.

    He does have the influence and the power but he just does not want it. Perhaps he does not have enough power to ‘’push it through’’ but he can start it and some will follow.

    i think thats an unfair assessment. There are a lot of places where people are getting murdered on a daily basis and I dont think its right to sell Biden as a heartless monster because hes not fixing them. Like I know its very apples to oranges to make this comparison, but what are you personally doing to help the people of Gaza? What about Ukraine? What are you doing to help the famine in Yemen? What about the civil war in Myanmar? Are you a bad person who doesnt care about those peoples lives because there is more you could be doing to help them? (again I know there is a world of difference between what you can do and what the POTUS can do)

    It is not about ‘’fixing’’ them. It is literally about him signing money and weapon aid to a state that purposefully commit genocide, made and rule through Apartheid regime and is proud to have avoided an Palestinian state (Prime Minister of Israel said this himself). He’s 100% behind Israel despite everything that’s been going on.

    You are making this personal and that’s okay. However what am I doing for the Palestinian cause? Boycott products that I can boycott and slowly replace them with products that do not have deals with Israel. I do not understand why you are bringing other countries into a full discussion that’s merely about Israel-Palestine conflict.

    Like you, yourself said. I do not have the capacity and power to help as much as the President(s) are able to. I cannot sign a bill to gives billions to the people in need. He can but he gives it to the occupier, the murder, the state that commits genocide. The state that does the exact same thing as Nazi-Germany did (ethnic cleansing, committing genocide, war crimes and mass graves).

    Source of my claim about the Prime Minister’s word about an Palestinian state: Israel’s PM Netanyahu ‘proud’ of preventing establishment of a Palestinian state

    The fact he’s pretending that the Palestinian state is an immense threat to humanity while his own state is the core threat to the Palestinian people and everyone who supports the Palestinian state. Israel is a fascist state, rules through Apartheid and hate. His entire state was created from everything he claims that the Palestinian state ‘‘would become’’.

    I think this perfectly ties into what I was saying in my comment. Even if he is morally against this genocide (which I believe he is) the US cannot afford to lose Israel as an ally, as they need an Israel to protect US corporate and geopolitical interests in the region.

    I do not understand your comment on my previous sentence there. Biden said himself ‘’if Israel didn’t exist, the US would have to invent one to protect US interests’’. He’s willing to create an own state that commits genocide, apartheid and humiliate the Palestinian people for his own interest. And you are trying to make me believe that he cares about the Palestinian lives?

    I think this thinking is a too black and white just because they are not his top priority does not mean he doesn’t care about them. I know that might sound kind of harsh but thats just how it works. Pretty much everyone, not just Biden, not just politicians but everyone operates with a concept of “acceptable losses”. Like me or you certainly own some products, wether theyre electronics or cheap clothes or what have you, that were made with slave labour or from generally mistreated workers, but we accept that because your first priority is to yourself. If your choices are buy sweatshop clothes or go without clothes, you will take the clothes and dismiss the sweatshop labour as an acceptable or unavoidable loss. So its the same for Biden, but the stakes are astronomically higher.

    No, this is not ‘’too black and white’’. Certainly they are not his top-priority, that should be his own country from which I think it is not either. He’s signing off so much money aid to state that commits genocide – while he could use that same money to help his own country. So in what you are currently saying about ‘’acceptable losses’’, it’s okay to let more than 34 000 Palestinian people being brutally murdered? Now change the countries, lets say it’s an Western country or even the US itself. Suddenly it is not acceptable anymore in Biden’s eyes.

    Remember we are talking about peoples lives, humans. Not just numbers, 34 000 human beings.

    Biden’s first priority as president is to the US. So he can only go so far with his action when it comes to Israel, and despite what you and many people are saying he is doing something he has been putting pressure on Netanyahu, but ultimately Israel knows how valuable they are to the US and so knows how far they can push it given Biden’s weak position. He has pushed aid funding for Gaza, started airdrops into the strip and building the harbour to get larger amounts of aid in, as well as negotiating for a cease fire and hostage releases.

    Is it? I mean the majority of the US does not approve of this war, I gave a source for this particular claim in one of my other comments. Yet he still choses Israel above his own peoples opinions. The people of the US makes the country US right?

    ‘’Putting pressure’’ is such a big word. What Biden has done to Israel is like what a adult person does to a child that took a candy ‘’don’t do that honey!’’. Biden is actively aiding the genocide, apartheid regime and humiliation of the Palestinian people and he knows it.

  • Because that is what US doctrine has been since Israel’s inception. and Biden is not in a position to change that?

    Sure that might be the US doctrine but he can start the change, he has the influence to do so. From what I last read the support from US citizens has dropped significantly Approval has dropped from 50% to 36% since November

    Thats, unfortunately, not how politics works, Biden cant just say “fuck everyone else, im going to do something” and honestly thats probably a good thing as it also reigns in people like Trump to an extent.

    You currently pretend as if Biden has zero influence as a President. Biden can put a lot of pressure onto it and perhaps it might budge. I never mentioned at all that he would be going ‘’I’m going to do something!’’. That’s not possible of course, but he can use his Presidency to put pressure on the money and weapon aid to Israel.

    Yes he has a lot of influence, but he also doesnt even have a functional majority in either the house or the senate, and even if he did, there are outspoken zionists amongst the democratic party in both houses and the DNC, theres also zionists (including christian zionists) among the party’s biggest donors. Then theres the military industrial complex and the people who have large investments in those companies as well. All of those people have vested interests in supporting Israel and put a lot of pressure on Biden to support Israel. If Biden unilaterally went against Israel he wouldnt get very far going against all those people.

    True indeed; he will have many obstacles but if he truly cared about the lives that are getting murdered on a daily basis, he would. However, he could use his influence to put pressure on the situation but at the moment, he’s just going with the flow.

    And this is just my opinion speaking but he, himself has an interest in Israel as well and therefore does not care about the Palestinians lives. I mean do we remember this? Joe Biden says if Israel didn’t exist, the US would have to invent one to protect US interests

    And even if he someone did manage to go against them, those donors and supporters would likely flip to Trump who has basically come out saying he supports wiping Gaza off the map. oh and not to mention the media, who has been doing their best to sell the pro-Israel narrative would absolutely cannibalise Biden. So, even if he could go against all of the zionist influences, he is basically looking at a trolley problem, does he stop aid to Israel (which wouldnt even stop the genocide due to Israels large stockpiles of weapons) and basically gift the election to Trump, which among the plethora of other problems that would cause, would make things in Gaza far far worse.

    This is speculation and perhaps you might be right. Can’t say much.

    Oh and thats not even mentioning how important to the US economy and military doctrine their relationship with Israel is. They need good relations with Israel and to keep them armed so that they stay the dominant power in the middle east and willing to defend US capital and political interests in the region.

    I know this, that’s why I referred to the one video of Biden. Therefore Biden does not really care about the Palestinian lives, everything to protect the US power in the middle east. Does not matter how many lives will get brutally taken away. As long as the US stays in power (right?). This is why it is such a double standard when US president is criticizing other countries about human rights when US presidents do not even care about human rights themselves and this is exactly why I keep repeating ‘’Biden does not care about the Palestinian lives’’

    Israel hosts massive stocks of US weapons, the biggest outside of the US itself, as well as early warning radars, military bases and provides a port for the US 6th fleet.

    And these stocks will one day cease to exist and without US providing more and more money and weapons, they will have certainly some problems (sooner or later).

    When you add all of that up, can you see why Biden cant just start burning brides both internationally, within the US and even within his own party?

    Yes and No. He can’t just ‘’burn bridges’’ immediately but he can do it slowly. At least take a hard stance on ‘’do not commit genocide’’ & ‘’do not do what Nazi Germany did to your people’’.

    It’s odd though, you took my comment and changed it entirely but that’s okay though.