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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 18th, 2024

  • Don’t go on the internet calling people ableist, and then claim that other people are being condescending. You’re the condescending one. You got all hung up on the way someone said one thing, and then wrote an entire novel in response, basically pointing out that you somehow have no idea what you’re arguing over.

    The only real argument you seem to have made, was that it’s difficult for you to get in and out of buildings that weren’t built more recently. And that has absolutely nothing to do with the argument that is going on right now. It’s a problem, yeah… But not at all what we’re talking about.

    Nobody who you replied to is saying that we should get rid of cars. And the only way your arguments make any sense to me, is if I assume that you think that’s what would happen. As a car fanatic who enjoys working on vehicles, I don’t enjoy the car hate. But I very rarely see people say that we should straight up get rid of all cars. They just seem to want more people to take public transit. There are some people who seem to demonize cars entirely, and to those people I say, CHILL. We got to this point because cars seemed like the answer to all our transportation needs. And for a long time, we were right. You don’t have to be so hateful about the way things are, when talking about how they can be better. Your attitude isn’t convincing any of the old people that hold all the power. You seem like upset children to them, and everyone you’re trying to convince, because you behave like one when you say things like “Cars are ruining our society”. No. Lobbyists that make sure the agenda doesn’t change to anything actually helpful, are what’s ruining our society. Though, I can’t speak for anyone outside of America.

  • Hell, just the other day, I found out the 120mm cannon on the Abrams is a German design that we bought the rights to manufactured ourselves. We get more than just materials and parts from other countries. And it hamstrings us from involving ourselves in certain conflicts, which seems counterproductive. Especially when China is just as aggressive as we are on the world stage, while peace with them has also been one of our largest assets.

    I’m one of those weird people that thinks war history is interesting as hell, but also hates these resource wars and our involvement in them as a country. Fighting back the Germans in order to save the world is one thing. Flying jets over countries that don’t even build jet aircraft, hailing gunfire and bombs down upon people that may not even have internal plumbing in some places, is shameful and greedy. Attempting to convince children to join in that gruesome national passtime should get you labeled as a groomer and ostracized from society. I don’t care how many jobs in the military don’t involve killing poor brown people. It all supports the act, regardless.

    And don’t get me started on the horrific amount of SA and murder cover-ups that happen in our military.