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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • I had to look it up, here’s what I found (please correct me if I got it wrong):

    To change the user agent in Firefox, you can use the built-in Developer Tools. Here’s how you can do it:

    1. Open Firefox.
    2. Press Ctrl + Shift + I on Windows or Cmd + Option + I on macOS to open the Developer Tools.
    3. Click on the “Network” tab.
    4. Look for a small icon that looks like a mobile phone and a tablet together, usually located at the top-right of the Network tab. This is the “Responsive Design Mode” button. Click on it.
    5. Once in Responsive Design Mode, you’ll see a dropdown menu at the top of the screen where you can select different user agents (like various mobile devices, different browsers, etc.).

    Remember, changing the user agent can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior on websites, as it tells the website that you’re using a different browser or device than you actually are. This is usually used for testing and development purposes.

    Edit: a word

  • I think this is neat. I prompted chatGPT-4 with your question about the above comment. This was the result:

    Your perspective on the issues with the current focus on continual profit growth in American businesses is indeed echoed in various discussions and criticisms in the business and academic world.

    A significant point of critique is the heavy emphasis on shareholder value, often at the expense of other stakeholders. This shareholder-centric view has been dominant for some time, with the primary objective seen as maximizing profits for shareholders. However, this perspective often disregards the broader responsibilities and long-term vision of companies. Recently, there has been a shift towards “stakeholder capitalism,” where companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of considering the interests of all stakeholders, including society at large, and not just focusing on short-term financial performance. This approach aims to foster a more sustainable balance between short-term pressures and long-term value creation, and helps restore trust in companies as vital contributors to society [❞].

    The pursuit of continual growth and the pressure to exceed previous profit margins has also been critiqued for leading to other detrimental effects. For instance, unchecked business growth can result in increased workload, higher competition, a deviation from the original business vision, lower-quality customer relationships, and faster team member turnover. These factors can contribute to a loss of the unique qualities that made a business successful in the first place and may ultimately lead to less success in the long term [❞].

    Furthermore, in the realm of stock prices and corporate valuation, the relationship between growth expectations and stock performance is more complex than often portrayed. Research suggests that growth expectations might have less impact on asset prices than traditional models suggest. This indicates that the market’s demand doesn’t react strongly to changes in expected returns, challenging the common belief that consistently higher profits directly lead to higher stock prices [❞].

    These critiques highlight the complexities and potential pitfalls of the current American business model, which prioritizes constant profit growth and shareholder value, often at the expense of broader, long-term goals and responsibilities.

  • NeverKnowsBest For very in depth game essays. He has a 2:44:46 in depth look into the history of MMO’s. 2:03:15 Elder Scrolls analysis. And he has an absolutely comforting voice that sweeps you along so easily that you don’t even feel the time pass.

    Mortismal He reviews games after he 100% them, makes guides, game lore, builds. His favorite genre is tactical rpg’s but he’ll to do others of people ask him to. The man is a consummate professional, and work horse. Puts out a video 5 days a week. He went from foster care, to being homeless to making a living doing what he loves. Used to put up posters offering to make game guides for money when he was a kid.

    Lex Fridman He did long form interviews of really brilliant people. Novel prize winning scientists, mathematicians, biologists, philosophers, politicians, tech moguls, artists. The list goes on. He’s not funny, but he is refreshingly sincere in his wanting to try and understand the topics, people, and life. He’s a Russian-American computer scientist and research scientist at the MIT Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems.I don’t always agree with him, but I love getting to listen to the people he interviews.

    Quinn’s Ideas A wonderful fan of sci-fi that reviews and explore the worlds of great sci-fi novels, turning over the abstract concepts inside those universes. He has an extensive playlist on the world of Dune, Lovecraft, authors I’ve never heard of, and he also covers other nerdy things too. He has a wonderful voice that brings you down into the world he’s describing. You can tell her really gets into the books he reads, the more mysterious or awe inducing the better.

    Wes Roth I recently found this guy. He reports on current news on AI. He does a great job at explaining things you would be too afraid to ask about for fear of sounding stupid. He’s not an AI expert he’s just discovering AI advancements with you, for you. Calm, nothing flashy, and curious to see where this is headed. If you wish you had time to look up and read about what’s new in AI, this is your guy.

    The Big Lez Show An all knowing multidimensional immortal Aussie Sasquatch doing a bunch of drugs, also some humans and some aliens.

    The Royal Institute Like TED talks but in Great Britain, much longer, more in depth and very scientific. The intended audience are scientists, but some talks are just too fascinating to miss out on.

    Luetin09 Warhammer 40k everything. Really great lore videos that are darkly beautiful to watch. He is a veritable font of WH40K knowledge.

    dslyecxi It’s like watching a team of military professionals conduct missions in ARMA 3, and with all of the hilarious fuckery that ensues. ARMA 3 is a realistic military sim, nothing like the arcadey Call of Duty or Modern Warfare. Really great footage.

    Edit: Mr Sunday Movies Movies, comic, and TV shows, shooting up your butthole. They’re Australian, but they make up for it.