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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2023


  • You probably learned cornucopia from thanksgiving, that’s how I learned it. Also, google cornucopia and basically every image looks like the fruit of the loom logo but with the horn behind it. It’s pretty obvious that people are so used to seeing the cornucopia imagery that when it’s combined with the fruit of the loom logo their brains go “yeah that looks right” and just assume that it must’ve been that at some point.

    Mandela effects are fun and I understand the appeal but anyone who takes them seriously is straight up just not using their critical thinking skills.

  • Speed running is like a time trial race combined with an open ended puzzle, but everyone is on the same team. People map the fastest route they can come up with and then try and execute that route as fast as possible. It’s 90% for the challenge and 10% for the personal glory (obviously this varies). Many people who are uninterested in executing routes will spend time theorycrafting new routes, learning everything they can about the game in order to find new techniques that they share with others. This creates a community in which everyone is working together to beat the game as fast as possible, encouraging and competing with each other.

    Speed running only seems pointless if you’ve never challenged yourself purely for the fun of it, or taken up a hobby in order to meet people.

  • A total ban on personalized vehicles is not something most urbanists want. We want traffic calmed streets and viable alternatives ie bike lanes and good public transit. We want taking transit around our cities to be as fast or faster than driving. While many of these goals require changes like less/smaller lanes, congestion fees, and reduced street parking, roads will still exist to be used by private vehicles, emergency vehicles and delivery vehicles.

  • Yes public funded health care has many issues, congratulations on being so astute. Where I live you can book longer appointments if you need them, you just have to actually ask for the extra time. People often have let small issues add up before getting them sorted because procrastination, small issues that most people with private healthcare systems could not afford to go to the doctor to have checked out.

    Most important of all, when someone feels ill they don’t have to factor a medical bill into the equation when deciding whether or no they should go to the hospital or possibly fucking die.

  • TL;DR: Dune is a novel packed full of culture, intrigue, and philosophy, and Denis tosses basically all of that out the window in favour of style and atmosphere.

    As a massive Dune fan who has also only seen part 1, I’m very conflicted. It’s obviously the most faithful adaptation but that’s a pretty low bar to set. There are so many little changes from the novel that it’s hard for me not to feel Denis doesn’t really get Dune. I also have tons of small complaints with the script just in a general sense, weird moments that are distracting and pointless even ignoring their relation to the novel.

    My biggest issue with the script is that it feels like Denis is focused on creating this super epic atmosphere. We have many beautiful shots of space ships or terrain accompanied by booming music. It’s cool, but it feels like a massive waste when the movie also has rushed scenes that could have been so easily adapted to film.

    For example Stilgar meeting Leto. In the movie, Stilgar walks in, Leto says something along the lines of “I respect you” and Stilgar immediately spits on the ground to indicate his respect for Leto.

    In the novel that scene has Duncan explaining how he tried to save a dying fremen but wasn’t able to and that the fremen gave him his crysknife before he died. Stilgar then dramatically interrupts saying something like “Do not unsheath that knife!”. What follows is an interaction between Stilgar and Leto where Leto deftly shows his respect to Fremen and their culture without capitulating or showing weakness. Only then does Stilgar spit on the ground giving us the dramatic scene where Duncan has to quickly intervene to prevent violence.

    I don’t think I’m doing a great job of making my case but the difference to me is stark. The book uses this one scene to feed the reader knowledge about Leto, Stilgar, Duncan, and the fremen. But the movie rushes the scene and we learn next to nothing.

    I could go on but I’m just ranting at this point. Dune is a novel packed full of culture, intrigue, and philosophy, and Denis tosses basically all of that out the window in favour of style and atmosphere.

  • Could you replicate every single one of those features with a google cardboard? I think so

    This is so far from the truth I just have to assume you’re making a “joke” and not an apple hater who’s too fanatical to form their own opinions.

    The vision costs a shit load of money because they’ve put an abundance technology and R&D into the product to make it capable of things no other VR/AR headset is capable of. By all accounts the screen resolution, response rate, 3D tracking, and gesture recognition create an experience that other headsets can attempt to mimic but will fall short of. Watch MKBHD’s videos on it, it’s genuinely a really impressive piece of technology.

    And yes, they charge more because they are Apple and they know their hoards of loyal followers will buy anything they make.