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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • These people are fucking ridiculous.

    They think they’re “free thinkers” but they believe anything told to them by their masters.

    Here’s my advice for them: If you want to be a free thinker, don’t believe someone when they tell you what another person’s thoughts are.

    If you want to know why trans people are trans, ask them, or do some reading about by them, don’t let someone else tell you.

  • Mongostein@lemmy.catomemes@lemmy.world"I want to talk about cheese"
    4 months ago

    Sounds good.

    I’m just saying in the past… there was that cash register analogy that was going around a while back…

    Like a dude buys a cash register - needs 1 cashier instead of 3, but pays the one cashier the same. Business owner dude should be paying that remaining cashier at least double.

    Just spoutin’ some hindsight or whatever I dunno.

  • All this automation should be going towards doubling the amount of jobs at half the hours for the same pay.

    If pay kept up with productivity by now we could be doing 4 hour work days. Morning people could get their work done early and chill the rest of the day, afternoon people could sleep in and stay up late, night people could just have shorter nights and more time to do whatever they do.

  • Because we had a good thing with the internet. It was a free marketplace of ideas where people could discuss things freely and honestly.

    However, all the good ideas tend to be left-leaning and now that the internet has been opened up to morons we have professional trolls arguing in bad faith, convincing the morons to work against their best interest. Meanwhile, every good website eventually gets eaten up by corporations motivated solely by profit.

    That’s why I think the scales have tipped towards authoritarianism. Now I’ll just sit here and wait for some troll to come call me a commie or something for this comment.

    Although, some people seem to be thinking that going full Putin would be a good idea for some reason…