Just a sometimes grey muzzle poking at this net thing
Decent, but needs to be smaller, but I suppose you gotta start big…
I think that choice has a lot to do with the Curator and the Renegade Doctor, this would explain them pretty neatly.
I liked when they asked him if he was just going to leave without saying good bye ‘Would I do that?’ Ummm, how many times has the Doctor done just that?
I’m thinking it might be a natural thing for the Doctor. While I wasn’t watching for a while, I’ve caught bits and pieces of the Timeless Child, which IIRC is the Doctor and he’s not actually Gallifrean? So maybe things are different for him, plus this explains the Curator and the Renegade Doctor.
I’m thinking Russel did that to address to issues, the curator in the 50th special, and the Renegade Doctor. I know a lot of fans, m’self included, want her to return, but how do you explain her? Well, if the doctor bifurcated… Sorry, bi-generated in the past, willingly or unwillingly, that could mostly explain her, and if 14 and 15 are running around at the same time, no reason she can’t either. Thinking about the curator, that might even explain why Russell brought Tennent back.
I thought it was hilarious that they split 14’s outfit, they each got four pieces of it
That’s a built in sound? How does that work, are you plugged, or is it hollow? Any discomfort or issues with it?
It’s called a kilt, and it’s called that because that’s what happened to the first person what called it a skirt. 😏
Fun, aren’t they? I’ve seen them around,
https://www.etsy.com/listing/1522348747/metal-chastity-cage-plate-chastity-lock?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=chasity+cage+small&ref=sr_gallery-1-3&pro=1&frs=1&organic_search_click=1 https://www.etsy.com/listing/1360280588/flat-chastity-cage?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=chasity+cage+small&ref=sr_gallery-1-30&pro=1&frs=1&organic_search_click=1
are just two such listings. Now if’n only I could find a device to fit me.
The way it should be