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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • True, but what would the employees’ labour be worth without the context of employment?

    As an example of what I mean, I have a hobby similar to what I do for work (hobby: game dev, work: software dev), I can say for a fact that I am more productive at work. I can specialize more at work, can get second opinions, and I get free, realistic testing.

    Still not saying wage labour is always good, just that there are cases where it’s not that bad. There are other things we should pick to be mad at.

  • Personally, I’m not a big fan of the “surplus value == theft” argument. At least not in every case.

    The reason is that simply by being in the context of your employment, you can work more efficiently and produce more value than you could on your own. If your wage is between your ‘potential solo value’ and your ‘current value’, then the profit comes from the fact that you’re working in the context that your employer has provided.

    This isn’t to say I’m against workers getting the full profit, but it’s not as bad as some people say it is.

  • Disclaimer if it changes anything: I’m a Christian, and this is my theology response.

    Ok, lets look at the Garden of Eden as a parable about God’s parenting (an important angle, but not the only important one). I think you’ve done a great job, but you’ve missed a couple of crucial details.

    • With God, you never have to go on your own. Human parents can’t provide for every need forever, which is why they need to prepare the child to leave home, but an immortal, omnipotent, omnipresent God can. The lack of preparing isn’t necessarily a bad mark on God’s parenting, because his role in parenting is different to ours.

    • I think you’ve got the wrong idea of what the tree of knowledge of good and evil really is, and by extension what Satan is really doing here. Since I’ve started looking into theology, I’ve found that wording it as the tree of “the right to define good and evil”, rather than “knowledge” makes far more sense. Before that point, they were trusting God (which is fair enough, given he’s God and all that), but by eating that fruit they’re basically saying “fuck you dad, stop telling me to get enough sleep and not come home drunk. I’m moving out so I can do all the fun things without you getting in the way” (a bit extreme, but you get my point). It wasn’t the “I’ve learnt all I can here, so now I’m moving out”, or a “you’re an abusive parent, and I’ll never thrive with you around”. The closest thing to it is the rebellious teen thinking they’re being held back.

    • If humanity leaving was as healthy a decision as you’re implying, why do Christians exist? If we knew God lied to us to try to keep us contained, we would never be going back to him. Christians see it as much more like the prodigal son. We chose to leave God so that we could see the real world. Turns out the real world is shit, so now we’re coming back to God, knowing that he actually does know what’s best for us.