• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • I never said outside investments is bad. It’s the motive behind said investment. Nearly every “investment” hasn’t been made for the betterment or even mutuality beneficial. Just do some actual research on this. I don’t have the time or energy to educate you the facts, so just stop. It’s honestly embarrassing how indoctrinated you are in these laughable and out right racist talking points.

  • Lol you should actually look into those China investments. Not exactly high quality infrastructure builds and come with strong Chinese authoritarian controls that treat the locals as slaves. And that still means the African nations still don’t have control over their natural resources. Which is vital to build a strong and independent nation.

  • NatakuNox@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldHistory lives in the present
    4 months ago

    You are literally voicing the white nationalist “honorary whites” and the “model minorities” that pits Asian cultures and communities against African cultures and communities. To simplify the African continents experience with colonial exploration to Asias is laughable at best and out right racist at worst.

  • This guy, “why can’t you articulate how to undo 600 years of exploration and genicide that was done against one continent?!”

    Just so you know, yes there was war bs ethnic cleansing before Europeans arrived but the scale was taken to 100 because of the Europeans. And the genicides that happened after were because of the previous occupation. If you want answers to when it’s the Africans fault, maybe read many studies, books, and reports on it instead of asking some guy on the internet. Once again, it’s very likely you are older than the governments currently in Africa. Governments that had to pick up the pieces after many axis powers collapsed, or when allied powers pulled out during the 2008 economic crisis, or even some today that still are shadow controlled by western nations / China.

  • NatakuNox@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldHistory lives in the present
    4 months ago

    Most of Africa’s nations are younger than 30 years. Several African countries still pay taxes to France. Nearly every African country doesn’t have sovereign control over their natural resources. So Ya, not to even mention the millions of people stolen from their countries. Africa is poor purely because of outside influences