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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023

  • Yup this is the real world take IME. Code should be self documenting, really the only exception ever is “why” because code explains how, as you said.

    Now there are sometimes less-than-ideal environments. Like at my last job we were doing Scala development, and that language is expressive enough to allow you to truly have self-documenting code. Python cannot match this, and so you need comments at times (in earlier versions of Python type annotations were specially formatted literal comments, now they’re glorified comments because they look like real annotations but actually do nothing).

  • Any chance you have an nvidia card? Nvidia for a long time has been in a worse spot on Linux than AMD, which interestingly is the inverse of Windows. A lot of AMD users complain of driver issues on Windows and swap to Nvidia as a result, and the exact opposite happens on Linux.

    Nvidia is getting much better on Linux though, and Wayland+explicit sync is coming down the pipeline. With NVK in a couple years it’s quite possible that nvidia/amd Linux experience will be very similar.

  • Glad someone said this, it bothers me even with human ages. Like there’s this perception that as you get older you simply gain knowledge, wisdom, world experience, etc. Not a lot of people account for biological limits for knowledge/memory, nor degradation from aging.

    If some young intern decided to try to have sex with Biden, I think there’s genuinely a conversation to be had about if that’s statutory rape. I think you’d need a healthcare professional to rule on if Biden has the mental capacity to fully consent. Similar to a drunk person. They’re still obviously a person able to think/engage with the world, but they’re heavily impaired and unable to fully consent as a result. Age impairs cognition too.

  • Nevoic@lemm.eetoTechnology@lemmy.worldHello GPT-4o
    5 months ago

    “they can’t learn anything” is too reductive. Try feeding GPT4 a language specification for a language that didn’t exist at the time of its training, and then tell it to program in that language given a library that you give it.

    It won’t do well, but neither would a junior developer in raw vim/nano without compiler/linter feedback. It will roughly construct something that looks like that new language you fed it that it wasn’t trained on. This is something that in theory LLMs can do well, so GPT5/6/etc. will do better, perhaps as well as any professional human programmer.

    Their context windows have increased many times over. We’re no longer operating in the 4/8k range, but instead 128k->1024k range. That’s enough context to, from the perspective of an observer, learn an entirely new language, framework, and then write something almost usable in it. And 2024 isn’t the end for context window size.

    With the right tools (e.g input compiler errors and have the LLM reflect on how to fix said compiler errors), you’d get even more reliability, with just modern day LLMs. Get something more reliable, and effectively it’ll do what we can do by learning.

    So much work in programming isn’t novel. You’re not making something really new, but instead piecing together work other people did. Even when you make an entirely new library, it’s using a language someone else wrote, libraries other people wrote, in an editor someone else wrote, on an O.S someone else wrote. We’re all standing on the shoulders of giants.

  • Nevoic@lemm.eetoTechnology@lemmy.worldHello GPT-4o
    5 months ago

    18 months ago, chatgpt didn’t exist. GPT3.5 wasn’t publicly available.

    At that same point 18 months ago, iPhone 14 was available. Now we have the iPhone 15.

    People are used to LLMs/AI developing much faster, but you really have to keep in perspective how different this tech was 18 months ago. Comparing LLM and smartphone plateaus is just silly at the moment.

    Yes they’ve been refining the GPT4 model for about a year now, but we’ve also got major competitors in the space that didn’t exist 12 months ago. We got multimodality that didn’t exist 12 months ago. Sora is mind bogglingly realistic; didn’t exist 12 months ago.

    GPT5 is just a few months away. If 4->5 is anything like 3->4, my career as a programmer will be over in the next 5 years. GPT4 already consistently outperforms college students that I help, and can often match junior developers in terms of reliability (though with far more confidence, which is problematic obviously). I don’t think people realize how big of a deal that is.

  • Holocaust was a word before the Jewish holocaust you twat. Yes, you support animal abuse in the only way that matters, financially. You’re the same as people who pay to watch dogs fight or animal rapists.

    What is happening to animals is definitionally a holocaust, it has nothing to do with the Jewish one.

    Congrats on being a moderate lib, it shows. Have fun eating the tortured animal carcass, hope it makes you feel better. I’ll go have some plants because I don’t need to abuse animals to feel better about myself like fuckwit carnists.

  • Nevoic@lemm.eetoComic Strips@lemmy.worldWhy so sad?
    7 months ago

    There’s no world where every person goes vegan “before lunch” today, you were arguing about a fantasy because that’s the only way you could make an almost coherent point.

    In your fantasy world where literally every person wakes up, realizes that paying for animal abuse because of taste preference is a moral abomination, then yeah we wouldn’t have enough vegan food easily accessible, but as all the vegan food would be perpetually out of stock, production would ramp up.

    In reality however, people in the first world have incredibly easy and consistent access to vegan food. Essentially if you get your food from a grocery store you have incredibly easy access to cheap vegan food. If you live in a place where food is more scarce, then your diet is already primarily vegetarian or vegan because that food is way, way cheaper to come by.

  • Meat is becoming political whether you like it or not. This is how politics have historically worked, people aren’t born conservative, they’re born, things are normalized and go unquestioned until you’re older and society changes enough.

    In Europe there are (left-leaning) political parties entirely devoted to the cause of eliminating the animal holocaust.

    People who are “left-leaning” in America say in 2010 as a 25 year old will be considered conservative in America in 2050 as a 65 year old, without their politics changing at all. They’ll be pro-Israel, pro animal abuse, pro-capitalism, and complaining how “leftists have gone off the deep end” being against animal abuse, worker abuse, and Palestinian genocide.

  • Nevoic@lemm.eetoComic Strips@lemmy.worldWhy so sad?
    7 months ago

    Are you unaware of how markets work? You’re pretending like the person you’re responding to is the arbiter of all food production and consumption. Buy vegan, more vegan food gets made. It’s been happening for decades and as the number of vegans climb, the amount of vegan food increases.

    There’s really nothing difficult to understand about that. If SO MANY PEOPLE go vegan that you literally go to the store and can’t find ANY vegan food (this won’t happen), then vegan food production will ramp up extremely fast, and this will only be a temporary issue as producers acclimate to new demands.

  • Nevoic@lemm.eetoWorld News@lemmy.worldBiden calls for 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza
    7 months ago

    Bit of a strawman, the initial complaint wasn’t that he didn’t say some words, the initial complaint was the billions in military aid and actual physical support the administration gave Israel.

    The only reason words matter is if they have any impact on reality. Israel knows the U.S is giving them a lot of leeway to commit this genocide because that’s what the administration’s actions say, hence they’re two-faced.

    If they decide to stop materially supporting genocide, good. They were still wrong to do it at all, and they can’t undo that, so they’re still shit-libs, but better late than never I guess, and all those dead children will just have to stay dead.

  • I get the appeal of saying something provocative like “EVs are dumb” (which could be initially interpreted as an advocacy for ICE cars), and then clarifying your position. Makes for an interesting comment.

    However, it’s a technically incorrect way to phrase it. Buses, for example, can be ICE or electric. It’s not dumb to have public transit electric. You’re (correctly) advocating for public transit over personal vehicles, but you shouldn’t frame it as electric being a negative. In both personal and public transportation, electric tends to be far better. The only exception atm is for longer trips. Even then though, having a 20 minute break to charge every 300 miles isn’t terrible for humans as we get to stretch our legs for a bit, and it’s not so much longer than a 3 minute break every 400 miles.

    Overall, no EVs are not dumb, they’re the future of both personal and public transportation. We should lean towards public, but that public should be electric.

  • Nevoic@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldThe system is broken
    9 months ago

    There are absolutely scalpers that reduce total supply. They’ll only list a couple of consoles that they scalp at a time even if they buy in massive bulk, and it’s all done on the pretense of a limited supply from the original seller that they’re artificially limiting past what the market would naturally do (by buying a ton of them up). Given a literally infinite supply, scalpers lack an ability to do anything. Put another way, when they can’t restrict supply, it’s not a viable strategy.

    It’s not that they refuse to sell some of their supply, it’s a temporary restriction (all supply restrictions can be viewed as temporary because we don’t have total knowledge of future supply). The temporary restriction benefits them because they can start bidding wars over the reduced supply, and get a higher price per unit at the cost of getting the money over a longer period of time.

    The exact same thing works for housing, when you have the same company renting out tons of units but also keeping tons of units in the same area off the market. It means the bidding wars for the smaller supply of units results in more money per unit (lower supply, same demand, means higher costs).

    The concept of a prisoners dilemma here only works if houses are fungible, but they’re not. There are sometimes very similar units or even houses in a neighborhood in the same location, and these are almost fungible, but even in these contexts those nearly identical units in nearly identical locations are usually owned by a single entity (corporate or otherwise), so again there’s no prisoner’s dillema, they can restrict supply effectively to increase yield.

    The time vs value calculation is different for housing too compared to smaller things like groceries. If you’re a grocery store, and your local distributor of apples lowers the price of apples, some of that will likely go to the customer because of local competition pushing prices down, and you have a constant supply tied to a constant demand of these (from a buyer’s perspective) essentially fungible things.

    Houses are different because if you see the price of houses in your neighborhood drop by some significant amount, individual actors who may otherwise want to sell will actively choose to not list their house because they know the value will go back up, and so these actors are all incentivized to vastly limit supply if something in some area cuts the prices of houses (like a huge influx of new homes for example). These individual actors could be literal individuals or corporations.

  • Look to other forms of scalping to see how this works at a smaller scale. Scalping isn’t done through conspiracy, but a bunch of small, self-interested actors reducing supply in the market to inflate prices.

    On top of that there are actors that are more coordinated and not as small, like corporations that own hundreds of thousands of homes. These corporations can just coordinate internally (not conspiracy, business) and reduce supply to increase their own returns.

    This works for smaller actors too though. As long as the number of houses owned is more than a couple, then it’s likely they’d profit from temporarily restricting supply, and locking in renters to leases for more money. They’ll try to slowly sell off their supply without “flooding” the market and hurting the value of their own supply, just like other scalpers.

  • I understand the reasons why people aren’t vegan. I also understand the reason why slaughterhouse workers have far higher rates of violence (domestic and non-domestic). I understand why people do terrible things, people aren’t born evil. Even Nazis weren’t born with some disposition to be evil. It’s not like literally millions of Germans just had some natural predisposition to be unbelievably evil and that went away once they lost WW2.

    These are learned behaviors. I understand the reasons. They’re still not an excuse. You’re failing to do what you need to do, and just because I understand why you’re failing doesn’t mean you’re not failing.

    Maybe you don’t care, maybe you like animal abuse, maybe you know you’re doing something wrong and see yourself as a failure. No matter your own views, the mass torture/genocide is still happening, and you’re supporting it. Hopefully one day you grow enough as a person to stop.

  • I went vegan on a random Thursday a few years ago after learning about the ethical reality here, that harming animals for pleasure or convenience is unjustified.

    It didn’t happen all in one day (the learning that is), but I didn’t do any meal planning. Didn’t even order vegan food before I decided to go vegan. Next time I went to the store I only bought vegan things. Since then anytime I have the ability to buy vegan goods, I do (which has been 100% of the time because I live in the west in the 21st century).

    If you’re homeless in the middle of Palestine being bombed relentlessly by a genocidal state, yeah I’m not going to complain about you eating eggs that were given to you from a homeless shelter. If you’re rich enough to drive to the store and buy groceries yourself in the U.S or Europe, you have no excuse.

  • Activists don’t need to be one-track minded. They rarely are. I’m a vegan, socialist, anti-fascist who is against the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and for climate justice globally. There’s very strong overlap in these positions. There’s a reason you won’t find a lot of Republican vegans, or pro-Israel socialists.

    Yes, sometimes people don’t put in the time to investigate these issues, and I commend you for knowing the limits of your own knowledge, I’ve recommended to people before that it’s better to just say “I don’t know enough about this issue” instead of arriving at an under-researched position. However, it’s not necessary to criticize people who are actually activists, learn about these issues, and go out into the world and advocate for change, so long as they’re advocating for the right thing.

    The topic being brought up might ostracize people, but it will also put the topic into people’s minds. People like you might not know what the correct position is here, but you hear the constant pro-Israel propaganda pumped out by the U.S and might arrive at a subconscious conclusion that aligns with the imperial core.

    If you hear people speaking out against the apartheid state of Israel, especially people who align with your values, you might be inclined to look into it more, or at the very least not automatically accept U.S propaganda on the issue.