I know Steve!
I know Steve!
But definitely call her that :-)
Don’t call her that!
Oh, the IOF said it? Must be true 😂. The only thing they say concretely and sourced in the article is that he worked at a “pro Hamas” media outlet (can’t speak to this claim, but remember all the other things the IOF has claimed are Hamas), and that he wrote a piece for Al Jazeera.
Disregarding all that. Assuming that this guy was a journalist who was also a gun carrying member of Hamas and held actual hostages in his house, does that say anything about the record number of journalists that have been assasinated by the IOF?
I think it pretty clearly doesn’t.
I’m speaking from within a fictional situation that was presented. If I were someone else would I fire someone…the answer is probably. My principled take as myself, I wouldn’t for the reasons I’ve been talking about throughout this thread. Everyone has different reasons for what they do. OP put their opinion and I put mine. I don’t know what else to say…
I don’t have to like it, That’s literally my point. Let’s try this, rather than try to find my line, which I’ve already said was somewhere around causing bodily harm to uninvolved people, what do YOU think is an appropriate form of protest? It seems like that’s what you’re trying to get off your chest in a round about way.
Yeah, a phone company is never never never going to alienate customers like that. And the power dynamics in that situation are quite different. If you’re looking to suss out the limits of what I think about this than you’ve done it. I 100% agree people shouldn’t come to physical harm. Again, that’s quite a different situation than the one described in the article though.
Absolutely, because that makes my life more difficult, as a restaurant owner. I don’t feel like that says anything about it tactically or morally though.
Yes I do think that. Protest tactics change but they seem to gravitate toward noncompliance and, yes, disruption. I honestly can’t think of a successful protest that was all roses and hugs. Could be missing something.
Isn’t the point of protest to not let people forget about things? How easy would it be in the west to not notice, the media certainly isn’t keeping up on it. Every time I see one of these I think, that’s a braver person than me, and thank fucking god for the Streisand effect. No downvote, but strong disagree.
In the book “Highrisers”, which is about the Cabrini-Greens housing developement in Chicago, there’s a short section talking about how certain buildings were turned over to the tennents in a management capacity. It didn’t fix all of the problems, and it didn’t save Cabrini-Greens, but it did have some measure of success over beurocratic management by CHA, which was a joke. (FWIW I read this several years ago, so take it with a grain of salt)
That model has stuck out in my mind since. Why not have a simple budget for each building and let the work of maintenance be managed by the people who live there, with resources from the appropriate housing authority. The US is so fucking paternalistic about poverty and the people living in it. We build huge beurocracies incapable of truly scaling that then result in obsene waste like shown above. With some management some of that could be put on tennents, with them keeping some of benefits as well.
I like how you add error bars to your statement. More people should post like that.
But it’s cute and instagrammy when the israellis do it, not mean and warcrimey like when the Russians do it.
It seems like with that level of militancy they’ve got some pretty powerful class consciousness.
My friend appreciates your friend. 🖖
A friend of mine wants to know how that works…
I get this sentiment, but it’d go a long way for people who have the dreaded “range anxiety”. If they want the expense of both systems, then go for it. I have a used Chevy Volt which is a PHEV, we got it a few years ago and didn’t want to commit to full electric yet. It’s my families only car and in our case it’s been bullet proof. 95% of our driving is on electric with only family visits requiring gas. It’s not a bad system for people who aren’t convinced. Different now that it’s becomming a culture war issue though.
It always seems like his judgements are pretty arbitrary as well. He’s my least favorite host out of all the ones I’ve seen. However, I feel like he’s improved a lot since NZ S01. He was pretty bad that season but is improving with each subsequent series.