I think it just feels more comfortable and “professional” also. I’ve talked with people for whom the jank associated with decentralized services is a total deal-breaker. They started a Mastodon account, but they picked the wrong instance and it got defederated because it had Nazis, they got annoyed and moved to a different instance, and then a few months later the admin for that instance evaporated without warning and rather than find a third one they turned their back on the whole endeavor as a hopeless kids-lemonade-stand waste of time.
I do not know if deliberately or accidentally, but Bluesky seems to me to be very obviously positioned as a trap into which someone might fall into on their way from Twitter to Mastodon.
I’m using an LLM architecture that’s better suited to summarisation meaning it won’t invent false facts like traditional gpts do.
What architecture is that? If you have an LLM that doesn’t hallucinate, there will surely have been papers written about the breakthrough.
The ai has no more misinformation than a human journalist.
And that dear reader was when the work of foolishness became something much more sinister.
Humans, and trust in humans, are important. The internet divorced the human face and the accumulation of trust from the news, which has allowed engineered alternative facts to enter the mainstream consciousness, which might be the single biggest harmful development in a modern age which has no shortage of them. I am not trying to tell you that your summarizer project is automatically responsible for that. But be cautious about what future you’re constructing.
If u don’t like this please just block the community no need to complain or downvote.
Best of luck with that!
I’m actually not trying to poop on some cool new thing you’re setting up, but I think it is pretty clear at this point that building a system that uses an LLM to produce factual information for people, is a recipe for your system getting well-deserved criticism.
Also, pay your journalists. Anything that takes them out of the equation will at some point lead to X and Youtube being the only sources of news, sending everybody anything that somebody feels like paying to produce and distribute for “free.”
Bit late for that?
Don’t get me wrong, it is fine. But the idea that we can get it under control in the farm animals, starting now, seems kind of like a lost cause at this point. We should be deploying the human vaccine we already developed, at this point.
What I believe is lifted from specific sources. I made sure to cite them and made what I thought was a relevant point about where the arrogance and violence in the equation is coming from. Not that you’re wrong (and especially if you wanted to talk about how the West doesn’t really care about Ukraine all that much or their suffering), but you’re missing a more important point.
My guy you sound like Skeletor
the hubris and arrogance to ridicule a nation under what were intended to be CRUSHING sanctions-- for merely persisting and succeeding in their efforts
Yeah, the arrogance. Imagine the gall for us to be sending rockets and drones into their apartment buildings and power stations, and then giving them haughty lectures about peace and our urgent need for “security.” I wish the US weren’t doing that. It sure is a war crime, and something we should stop doing.
right but you’re leaving out the united states’ full backing
I am not. That’s why I said 10 to 1 instead of much more. That said, I actually had it a little bit wrong, I just now looked up the real numbers.
The US plus all partners has sent about $150 billion in total, it looks like, up until the middle of last year: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1303432/total-bilateral-aid-to-ukraine/
As of the beginning of last year, Russia had spent about $211 billion: https://www.defensenews.com/pentagon/2024/02/16/ukraine-war-has-cost-russia-up-to-211-billion-pentagon-says/
We can add to that a little, maybe 25% to say that the war went on for six more months before it’s an apples-to-apples comparison more or less, but the point is, by that metric, Russia outspent Ukraine-plus-allies by just under 2-to-1. Without counting PPP.
I actually couldn’t find exact PPP numbers for Russia, and it’s been going wild during the war. All I could find was that in 2022 it was 29 to 1. I’m not going to try to claim that’s the number, that was right during the currency crash. That does explain why their PPP-adjusted GDP is so high. They’re doing great!
So, the punchline (I’ve been digging up numbers as writing this): This is, more or less, what I was looking at that made me say Russia was outspending Ukraine+allies by 10 to 1: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2025/02/12/russias-2024-military-spending-surpassed-eu-uk-combined-in-ppp-terms-study-a87974
Russia’s PPP-adjusted defense spending is just under half a trillion per year. That’s what I understood it to be. So, they’ve been fighting for three years now, means a trillion and a half dollars on their side, versus $150 billion on the other side from allies plus whatever minuscule amount of money Ukraine was able to add to that. Plus rivers of Ukrainian blood. Means Russia is fielding 10 times more military kit than Ukraine is, and still not winning, and they’ve been at it for three years.
They may be making progress (they’re inching forward month by month, yes), and Ukraine may collapse because of any number of reasons. It’s still not a good advertisement for Russia’s military or economic prowess. They have been mobilizing their entire formidably-sized country to try to win this thing.
Cousin, it is fighting an enemy smaller than some of its individual US-state-equivalents, also mobilizing its entire economy behind the effort, for more than twice as long now as the US was in World War 2, and has still managed to lose some of its own territory. It is not surprising to me that Ukraine is suffering and its victory is not assured. It is surprising to me that Russia is still struggling so much to penetrate further than 100 km beyond the border.
I have no idea what the most likely outcome is. If I had to guess, I would say it would be a partition of the country and a peace agreement, however much the Ukrainian leadership doesn’t want that. But, I also would have guessed that Zelensky would be dead and the country defeated within a month of the 2022 offensive.
GDP is a funny thing. So because Russia’s currency has cratered like a Boeing aircraft, the PPP-adjusted value of its GDP has skyrocketed. That doesn’t mean it’s doing well.
Russian inflation is at 10% and its government is spending almost half its federal budget on the war, and still not winning. 11% of the world is Russia, by far the largest country on Earth, and yet the total amount of revenue its government has to spend half of on that war is just above Spain’s, which might explain why it is failing to defeat an enemy which it outweighs, outnumbers, and is outspending all by at least 10 to 1. Its standard of living for ordinary people is 50th in the world, roughly even with famously pleasant places like Kuwait and Romania (And no hate to people who live in those places, just saying your government is badly representing your interests. Give me another year here in the US and I might well be in that part of the list alongside you, or lower.)
I have no room to be giving criticism to any government, living in the US as mentioned, but if you are holding up Russia as an example of competent government you are reading the chart upside down.
In virtually all modern games, the core design is not driven by professional designers, but by “managers.” If you’re lucky, it will be one manager only, instead of a dizzying cycle of higher-ups giving “input” which you are required to accept, and that one person will at least be open to good sense even if not professionally trained in the art.
Usually you will not be lucky.
Let me rephrase: The thought process, “Oh shit! Palestinian civilians minding their own business! Let me get my gun and shoot them” is perfectly normal in Israel. It’s only unusual and came with consequences this time because it happened in America.
While in custody, Brafman spontaneously told detectives that while he was driving his truck, “he saw two Palestinians and shot and killed both”, arrest documents said.
Presumably, he fully expected the detectives to say, “Oh okay, got it. Carry on.”
I’m aware, yes.
An hour ago, Israelis attacked an ambulance crew in Jenin who were trying to reach a wounded man.
Four hours ago, they shot a man south of Nablus City.
Five hours ago, their fighter jets fired on several “suspicious” vehicles in Gaza.
None of that was news. These two guys getting shot, and then presumably getting instant medical treatment and someone immediately stepping in to make sure the attacker was brought to justice, was. Because it’s out of the ordinary, because Israel isn’t in charge of where it happened.
Piefed already does this, because it is the way.
If we could climb the highest steeple
And then look down at all the people
And shoot the ones not wholly good,
As we, like noble shooters, should
Why then there’d be an only worry:
Who’s be left to bury
-Walt Kelly
Don’t make us laugh, you’re a smart kid
Time is linear, memory’s a stranger, history is for fools
Man is a tool
In the hands of the Great God Almighty…
So they gave him command of a nuclear submarine
And sent him off
In search of the Garden of Eden
“The Final Cut” is quite good, too. It’s a big song about what war does. There is stuff that will break your heart.
“The Ballad of Bill Hubbard”
“The Gunner’s Dream”
“Two Suns in the Sunset”
“Watching TV”
The strikes were illegal back then, too. They didn’t start out armed, and then people started shooting them for striking, and they figured over time that they better arm themselves.
So I observed this talk, which I thought was quite good:
And I started thinking that it would be cool to put the magic system of a game in the control of an LLM. Pivotal decisions of what’s going to happen at some given point get passed to the LLM in a particular type of markup, with the answer of what happens in the world coming back in the same markup. You can give it guidelines, but skilled players can get around the guidelines or learn how to trick the system, and also, there is inherent fuzziness to the edges of how things happen, and inherent jank and risk to the system because you can never completely sure what is going to happen based on what you thought would happen.
All the things that make modern AI not a good thing to put into your systems suddenly become advantages from the perspective of immersing the player into the magic system without it being completely systematized. The magic goes back to being magical. You can literally have someone type something for what the incantation they’re using is, and it may get more powerful if they put a lot of emoting into the box, or they can literally try something that isn’t anywhere in the system and just “see if it works”… but also, you can’t quite be sure even what common stuff is going to do, 100% of the time.
I never got serious enough about the idea to try it out but I thought it had the potential to be super-cool.