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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • As for the existence of such “safety” videos, the ones I’ve seen have all been jokes because the insist heavily on following the law, especially government-funded videos. Breaking road laws written for motor vehicles is, in many situations as a cyclist, the safest course of action, but I’ve yet to see any safety video address this.

    Yeah, I think we’re in agreement for the most part here too. I’ve even seen “cycling safety” videos put out by car companies and you can imagine the sort of nonsense they come out with!

    Obviously it depends entirely where you live and what laws you have, but where I am most of the rules we’re supposed to follow as cyclists do make sense and are relatively safe guidelines. The issues come because drivers think the rules don’t say what they do (common example: there’s nothing stopping cyclists in a bunch riding however many abreast they can, and nothing stopping a single cyclist from taking the lane rather than hugging the curb, but many drivers feel that this is illegally holding up traffic/being unsafe). I wish we had things like Idaho Stop laws, I’ve ridden in states that allow this and it really does help a lot of situations.

  • Fair enough, I don’t think you’re entirely wrong. There’s definitely something to acknowledging that we’re cycling in an imperfect environment and that there’s things we can do to make it safer - its just a really awkward line to toe especially because such videos (that do already exist, and some are even put out by cycling-related government agencies) usually start with “don’t forget your helmet and your hi-viz and your £500 lights” before they even get into the roadcraft side of things, as though any of those things actually do anything to stop drivers being dicks.

  • Its why lemmy lets users block a server now even though mastodon doesnt.

    As someone who had to switch away from mastodon.art because my pool of federated instances was getting so small it felt pointless to be on a federated platform… I’m SO glad Lemmy takes this approach. I don’t mind my instance having some control over who they federate with (I have zero interest in seeing actual nazi comment or CP for example) but if my instance blocked lemmy.world or another similarly large one I’d definitely be a bit screwed (mastodon.art defederated mastodon.social for a time!)