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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • He’s in touch with reality, he’s just manipulating people.

    They have definitely crunched the numbers on cleaner alternatives – both real and bullshit ones – but found them to be ultimately less profitable and therefore something they’ll never, ever do.

    He wants us to fix it for him by overpaying for electricity, ensuring their record profits continue to grow, squeezing every stone for every drop of blood.

    If we don’t, he’ll watch the human race choke and starve from his lavishly appointed doomsday bunker, telling them “this is your fault for being so greedy”.

  • “The free market can fix it” is just another neoliberal lie, pushed precisely because it doesn’t work. Rather than holding corporations accountable, it blames the population instead.

    The reality is that boycotting businesses isn’t always an option and when it is, it’s usually a luxury. Very few products are domestically and/or ethically produced and when they are, they’re extremely expensive, especially for people being fucked out of every cent by their bosses, landlords and utilities.

    It’s why the most hated companies in the world continue to bring in record profits.

    Regulations are the real answer, which is why neoliberals oppose them.

  • They don’t care if the AI produced is useful, they just want to milk as much money from their content as they can.

    The API changes were almost certainly just the groundwork for this and I called it at the time. The ridiculous pricing model for API access is because it’s aimed at the hottest tech companies, not third party app developers.

    The enshittification continues because it’s what neoliberalism demands. They’ll sell your content and the data they have about you and still show you ads, because that’s the most profitable. Ethics and product quality don’t even enter into it.

  • For-profit, neoliberal media will never fairly cover any protest that may impact the profits of other neoliberals. It doesn’t matter what form the protest takes, nor what the protest is for.

    It’s been that way ever since “Occupy Wall St”, when news anchors feigned carefully practised bewilderment and asked "But what are they protesting. Of course if you asked any of the actual protesters, they were happy to make it clear.

    So they just didn’t ask.

    Measuring any act of protest by metric of “the media covered it in a way that will bring the great unwashed on side” ensures that no protest will ever meet your standard. You may as well advocate that people don’t bother and just politely wait for the end of the world. You won’t even be alone in doing it.

    Fortunately, those media companies don’t control every method of communication just yet, so we can discuss it on social media or look it up independently.

    What we can’t escape is the endless protest policing, where people complain “that’s not how I would have done it” on social media.

    So maybe it’s time for those people to unveil their perfect protest strategy that gets international attention, doesn’t inconvenience anybody, gets fairly covered despite the millions spent to prevent it and doesn’t require 3 wet wipes to fix.

    My money is on their big reveal being “do fuck all and try and die of old age before it matters”.

  • If only you held yourself to the same standard before yet another generic “This isn’t an effective form of protest even though it made the news, and I’m talking about it, and I know what it was about” comment.

    Or fuck, even in this reply, where your “useful response” was “you should protest with murder”.

    Looks to me like you just didn’t like your opinions challenged, you just wanted to make sure everybody knew what they were.