Prethoryn Overmind


  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I am seeing a lot of comments on here but the context not being mentioned is that they were protesting while clocked in or working on the clock.

    Google is technically in authority to do that. The article is worded a bit out of context to make the act of protesting an a big company we all find to be evil more evil for letting employees go that were wasting company time.

    I get it before you even type it I understand Google isn’t short on money and the time portion won’t effect them but has the employees protested while clocked out this would have been a less likely outcome and I also get it, “yeah they would have fired them anyway.” Sure believe what you want but it doesn’t take away that Google had the authority to fire while the employees were in their time no matter what they were protesting. If I did this at my job and was getting paid they would fire me as well.

  • I always find it interesting is that the mentality or analogy used is cost of living when infact some billionaires/millionaires have stated they wouldn’t have an issue paying more in taxes. The problem is they just don’t have to and if they don’t have to then they just shrug.

    It’s really an issue with the common person as well some people thoroughly believe they shouldn’t have to because they worked long and hard for that money while others, those very rich people, argue that putting them in a higher tax bracket or adjusting the tax they pay on a higher percentage within that bracket is just, “unfair.” Conservatism at it’s finest. I am not really sure what it is with the right wing and people about complaining on paying taxes until it is brought up that, “hey we could make those who make a whole lot more pay a whole lot more cutting what you pay down some.” Then they are up in arms. You either want someone to pay more so you pay less or you just don’t want to pay taxes at all if those involved are “hard working rich people.” But hey, instead let’s complain about how people just don’t want to work anymore or about how young folk just don’t understand the good ole days and how you had to work overtime on jobs with poor safety and life quality issues that forced more work out of you for less. Yeah you are right don’t understand that and how it was legal and why it should be happening now. Why would someone younger feel inclined to pay less and work more. It’s called we aren’t interested in making the same mistakes those same old folk now should have been up in arms about years ago. But then you are met with, "well those were just different times. " Oh, gotcha sooo we should fix it now?

    Then there is also a complete misunderstanding of how taxes and the economy works in general. If you genuinely think Biden and one person in office has complete control over the economy I think you also need to consider getting a therapist because you know zero about the way the world functions.

    Tax the rich higher. Elon doesn’t give a shit about your hard work and your crop fields or corn dying because the world is getting hotter. So why in the absolute fuck should you give a damn as to whether he pays more money every year to help the rest of the world out. If you are the person who thinks it is silly to do so then please for the love of God leave the rest of us alone that want someone to pay more for you because in the end it should be done.

  • Prethoryn Overmind@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldMusic Piracy Is Back, Baby
    5 months ago

    The problem isn’t is price. “People just don’t want to pay for a bad their software is bloated with useless shit and endlessly annoying experience. What Apple Music and Spotify have in common is that user-hostile design. Plus Steve Jobs himself said it back in 2007: “people want to Own their music (” Having it, organizing it, curating it is half the fun.”

    Fixed the post for you. I am not trying to be an ass and stated this in a previous post but people’s push to piracy is almost always to obtain what is believed to be what is becoming or is unobtainable. Price is and availability is almost always the driving force of piracy because price plays a part in availability.

    I was all on board with the post until I saw, “people just don’t want to pay for a bad software that is bloated with useless shit and endlessly annoying experience. What Apple Music and Spotify have in common is the user-hostile design.” This to me is so far from the truth that I like to call statements like this the Lemmy or FOSS mentality that I see on here and it isn’t meant to be insulting. I have defined it that way because I think Lemmy users get just as wrapped up in their own opinions and personal belief system that they forget they are also in a bubble and their opinions steer far off course to justify some personal idea or hope about what is actually pushing “mainstream” people to make choices that just aren’t why average consumers are making choices.

    People will 100% buy and use bad products user experience does only go so far though. I would say Spotify is as popular as it is because of its design as well as Apple Music. The features and design layout are what make their music services easier to use for most consumers that and they are popular services by word of mouth and are commonly used on the most popular devices because they are pre installed. Why have 5 music apps on an iPhone when Apple makes a music app that is already there. Point being design isn’t the issue. The issue is competition, choice, and price. There really aren’t a whole lot of options, popularity wise, outside of Apple Music, Spotify, or YouTube music. These users aren’t flocking to open source apps they are going straight to Piracy by ripping the content from YouTube directly and it is absolutely almost in direct relation with the increase in price increase. The “mainstream” user which I call the average consumer isn’t worried about Spotify’s design they want it to just function and play their music and be available and popular by design.

  • I was going to say that this is where I disagreed with the OP. It is 100% about price and has absolutely nothing to do with bloat or hostile design. As I wouldn’t consider Spotify’s design or Apple Music’s design choice bad. If anything they are popular because of their design choice.

    If people cared about bloat they wouldn’t be on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. The rest of the consuming world lives in a pretty concerning place financially. Anyone who thinks it has to do with the design of the apps is either missing the point and not looking at the rest of the shit going on in the world or blatantly wants to believe Apple bad and FOSS good and I have found that to be a part of what I call the Lemmy mentality.

  • While I am a stranger and me saying sorry probably doesn’t help much. That stuff sucks and I am sorry you had to deal with it. People have it in their head that we are all supposed to love our family and just get along but people don’t realize that families are sometimes just people who didn’t love us or loved us less than we loved them or vice versa loved us more than we loved them. Family is tricky. It doesn’t sound like you were close and I don’t know your entire story but either way it is a loss and regardless of him not being there for you it says a lot that you were at the very least there for him. Which, in my opinion, is the most you can do.

    I hope you are the person that carries that forward and uses that as a means to not walk out on others lives when they need you most and I hope in return they are a part of yours when you are on your way out of this world. Enjoy your holidays.

  • “Discord is quickly becoming a dying service the way Skype did.” I love an opinion and skimmed through what you said but I basically quit taking this comment seriously from the first sentence on. That is because that is the Lemmy mentality. I don’t know what you are smoking, reading, seeing. But the, "it’s a dying service absolutely so far off the truth. I mean have you been keeping up with Discord. Yeah, it’s not fucking dying. It is quite literally growing and keeps continuing to do so. It is easily one of the most successfully growing platforms. When Facebook tries to copy your work, Treehouse, etc and none can quite get you then yeah, you are doing just fine. Ads haven’t killed Facebook.

    Also, ads aren’t what killed Skype. What killed Skype is that it was an actually shit product/platform. I can’t remember a single damn ad using Skype because it was shit for video chatting.

    “You can’t watch YouTube videos together because you can’t sign in and there are ads.” Yeah that is not why we don’t watch videos on discord. I don’t watch videos on Discord because my friends just don’t want to and ads aren’t the reason why. I would say people probably use the feature even with ads.

    Also, I think you really missed the privacy part entirely and should read again. There is concern with privacy and there is acknowledgement with the privacy front hence the attempt to use more private products like Element. I appreciate the lesson though.

    I am all for discussing but your comments are entirely the comments I am referring to on Lemmy. It’s not informative it’s a bubble that Lemmy users live in no differently than Reddit users. The forefront thought that because their are ads and people pay for things that their opinion on what makes something bad is clearly why something is suddenly dying. There is far more evidence to suggest, hell even support, that Discord is not dying. However, because there are ads, it’s a dying platform and that is the Lemmy mentality. Product bad because ads. Ads have been around for years and have progressively gotten worse and Chrome is quite literally still the most used and successful browser. I like to call it the deniability factor on Lemmy. The in denial that products that we don’t want users to continue using are still winning people’s usage and that Google is going to topple over any day because we are right and ads bad and privacy. The average consumer doesn’t care if they did Firefox would be doing better than Chrome.

    It’s not that your points are invalid, irrelevant, or not true or don’t hold some some honesty that I wish people took more interest in. It’s that Discord is a working product and somehow users on Lemmy just can’t wrap their brains around the fact people keep using products that they think are bad or that people like me even attempt the other side and have both privacy centric apps and the opposite and still prefer the opposite.

  • Just curious. I have Signal, Element (FOSS version of Discord), GroupMe, Slack, Snapchat, Messenger, I have tried WhatsApp, Guilded, Telegram. I have tried a sleuth of messaging apps over the years from Web based, to niche apps that don’t exist anymore, things that would let you message users around the world. I have even tried things like taste buds and app for users with specific tastes in music.

    No matter what the case I find I prefer Discord. All of my groups and communities are there. I am 28 and my friends and being weird kids at heart use things like Discords soundboard for stupid annoying sounds, to stream our gameplay, and to even venture out to our own communities for things we love. Point being Discord has had all of what I personally want and enjoy for years and more. I mean I loved Google Plus when it was around because of the communities. I use Reddit because of the communities for things I enjoy and I wish Lemmy had more of them for that matter.

    My only question being, what do you think they need more off to already be better than the platform most people consider the best? Encryption? Not to charge money for subs? It’s not that Discord can’t get better. It’s that I end up on Lemmy looking for alternatives and see comments like this and people will talk about FOSS, cool I found things like amephyst and Element for my fill of FOSS apps. Even down to niche FOSS apps that I love for other things Lemmy has provided but there are apps like Discord that FOSS apps still don’t fill every need for me no matter how hard I try to pull myself away from these massive companies.

    I will make comments on Lemmy, knowing where I am at. Saying things like this and saying I am okay with spending money on things I enjoy and don’t mind continuing to do so but it is usually met with comments like, “what is wrong with you.” To the point my comments and posts have either tried to bring up valid call outs that some Lemmy users don’t disagree with or me just stating we are all different and don’t have to like what others like.

    I am not in disagreement with our data being hogged, our private lives being at risk and not am I opposed to try different methods and even still use methods like Mullvad, Proton products, Tor, etc.

    Yet no matter how much I try these products the separate Duck address accounts I have, Firefox, etc. I still primarily use Chrome, Google, Discord. Because despite the hate and reasonable hate mind you. Those products provide what I want and work better for me for regular use and certain FOSS or even competing apps just don’t do that for me. Yet there are always comments like yours, “they need to try harder.” Just vague statements made to justify some personal belief that these companies will rupture and fall apart but they are still successful and they doing exactly what you are saying they should do, trying harder.

    I don’t mean to poke or prod, start and argument because it will end in one with someone on here which just pushes users like me looking for answers farther away because I want to have discussion but turn to just that more than likely on Lemmy. I just don’t know what Lemmy users want or think they are getting at by making statements like this?

  • Bro, I don’t entirely disagree with this sentiment but I would argue that open source isn’t always great despite how anyone feels about it. Unless you are categorizing open source with indie games. In my experience open source games are typically not great in the slightest at all. However, I agree with this sentiment if open source is being referenced to indie games. A game doesn’t really have to be FOSS to be great.

    The issue isn’t really games like Assassin’s Creed either the issue is big companies. Assassin’s Creed isn’t my game but I hear the newer ones are good. Assassin’s Creed wouldn’t need to be open source to be good.

  • Prethoryn Overmind@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldOmegle shuts down for good
    8 months ago

    Didn’t Omegle have issues with child porn.

    “Genuine human connection.”

    Look get the feeling of talking to people anonymously on the Internet but we aren’t going to turn to robots because a video service shut down.

    Fuck platforms like Omegle. Until their are better ways of restricting behavior that harms minors on platforms like Omegle I will take this as an opportunity to say, “time to move one.”

    EDIT: Didn’t think this comment would open up this many issues. It is clear that Lemmy blames parents for not knowing what their child is doing 24/7 because apparently parents should know everything their child is doing. What an ideal world. I still stand by the previous statement. Fuck Omegle and fuck anyone who thinks their isn’t an issue with child predators and Omegle and the abuse that has gone in their for years.

    Let’s not forget SSSniperwolfs video of asking 16 year olds to flash on Omegle and monetizing that on YouTube.