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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2023


  • Millions even, we haven’t been this warm in millions of years! And same for our co2 concentrations. All done in the blink of an eye geologically speaking. We’ve reversed a natural Co2 trend in only 0.004% of the time!

    The commenter above you and anyone in doubt desperately needs to see these graphs:


    If we follow projections and do nothing to change our behavior we’ll get to levels and temperatures not seen in hundreds of millions of years, all bascially instantly when compared to the the ability of life to evolve and adapt. Earth will survive, it’s been through worse. Gonna be rough on the humans though. We were 10c temperature above where we were then, but it would be even worse now of we got back to those co2 levels, becaue of differences in orbit and solar activity.

  • There are definitely pros and cons with both systems. It can be brutal for someone who was listed as a health care proxy but the patient never expressed their wishes to them. Can’t agree more about having those conversations with loved ones even if you’re healthy, you never really know, and it’ll make the decisions so much easier on your loved ones when they know they’re doing what you would have wanted.

    Technically doctors are not required to offer futile care in the US even if the health care proxy wants it, but courts have sometimes inserted themselves into that which makes it complicated. Luckily those cases are rare, usually through education and meeting with all family members most come to agreements about what their relative would want and move forward.

  • I’m sorry you went through all of that, it sounds terrible.

    For anyone reading from the US, the system is a little different there. Treatment decisions would default to a health care proxy if a person is not competent (and like this poster said, that means unable to understand, ask questions, and articulate choices, not making bad choices). A health care proxy is different from power of attorney (in the US), check your state for forms to pick one. It’s always a good idea to have one declared and paperwork with your doctor, however if you don’t have one selected on paper, then default health care proxy is closest relative (spouse, then adult kids, then parents, then siblings, usually). If no health care proxy can be found, only then would the court system get involved and appoint a guardian.

    In regards to the original posters question, involuntary commitment for a mental health issue may involve a competency determination, but is much more involved and needs to involve courts very quickly. In general only a 72 hour hold can be placed by a doctor without a court getting involved. It’s less common too, most people in inpatient mental health situations are in voluntary stays.

    In addition to the ED which is always available if needed as a last resort, check your local area for mental health crisis lines and support. These are often a local group such as through a county and may be affiliated with mental health providers, can often even make home visits and quickly connect people with resources and advice on how to go forward.

  • That the eye can only perceive 24 fps is a myth. Plus vision perception is very complicated with many different processes, and your eyes and brain don’t strictly perceive things in frames per second. 24 fps is a relatively arbitrary number picked by the early movie industry, to make sure it would stay a good amount above 16 fps (below this you lose the persistence of motion illusion) without wasting too much more film, and is just a nice easily divisible number. The difference between higher frame rates is quite obvious. Just go grab any older pc game to make sure you can get a high frame rate, then cap it to not go higher to 24 after that, and the difference is night and day. Tons of people complaining about how much they hated the look of Hobbit movie with its 48 fps film can attest to this as well. You certainly do start to get some diminishing returns the higher fps you get though. Movies can be shot to deliberately avoid quick camera movements and other things that wouldn’t do well at 24 fps, but video games don’t always have that luxury. For an rpg or something sure 30 fps is probably fine. But fighting, action, racing, anything with a lot of movement or especially quick movements of the camera starts to feel pretty bad at 30 compared to 60.

  • Ranvier@sopuli.xyztoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    3 months ago

    Depends on language and culture and context. In the United States we use America to refer to the country and North America and South America to refer to the continents. Many Latin American countries use a six continent system though, where North America and South America are just one continent called America. This can lead to some tension and confusion when people from the United States call themselves American, since that would imply everyone in the western hemisphere to them basically. While sometimes “Americano” is used to refer to people from the United States, you’ll also you get descriptors like “estadounidense” in Spanish for this reason. Though this also has ambiguity, since technically Mexico is also a “united states.”

    Anyways, point is, a seven continent system with the western hemisphere separated into north and south America isn’t used everywhere, for some people America is a continent. In some places Europe and Asia are combined, and there’s other variations too. None of them line up with plate tectonics or anything perfectly, so they’re all a little arbitrary in the end.


  • While opening a business is closer to the situation than personal debt the analogy still breaks down here. The state controls the size of the money supply itself as well. It creates money through issuance of debt/bonds, and can get rid of it it via taxes and interest payments on the debt. Through the federal reserve it controls that as well. And the job of government isn’t to generate a profit. There’s just no good perfect analogy. A country should be carrying a debt load to some degree, it’s the ratio of debt to the size of the economy that’s important and could indicate when it’s getting to an unhealthy level. The national debt will never be paid off, and you’d never want it to be. Andrew Jackson found this out the hard way, very ironic he got put on money eventually given his hatred of central banks.


    US debt to gdp ratio is likely starting to get too high though and probably needs to be reined back some. Not a problem unique to the US after a lot of spending to prop things up during the pandemic. Best way to bring it under control is unwinding the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy and increasing taxes on corporations, capital gains, and billionaires.
