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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Why? I can’t see any benefit to this. RoN isnt a huge blockbuster of a game, so its not like they will be able to pay out big. Its in a state where the developers really shouldn’t even care if players are getting the source code, as it still is getting updates. I can see there being an issue if someone else tries building the source code with a ripoff game or something, but that will get shut down easily, so I don’t see the point of this? Is someone that did this mad that the game portrays police as the good guys? I just dont get it.

  • Maybe, but X-Files and Stargate SG1 were both started on a pretty low budget and turned into huge money makers for many years.

    I really do believe that people who love the source material and actually have passion for a project will make something genuinely good. All these shows that have been game adaptions that were bad were because the people working on it didn’t love it and didnt respect it. And the ones that are successful are the opposite. Perhaps you have an example of a show adaptation that was genuinely bad, but the people working on it loved and respected the source material?

  • Yeah I can’t say I was thrilled to be getting killed like that. Reminds me of why I don’t play games like Ark, Tarkov, etc.

    I didnt notice any problems with Starfield on Xbox either. It was weird, with Fallout 76 there were protectrons that were like, phasing in and out of existence, and things like entire buildings just being completely invisible despite the containers and debris assets inside them loading just fine. But I didnt have these issues with Fallout 4 or 3. New Vegas I could never play because on my PC any time I tried to leave the beginning town the game would just CTD. Though I hear NV is the most unstable title.

  • This guy says its a terrible idea but then doesn’t elaborate on why he thinks that. I think he is wrong, and the Fallout show is doing a good job convincing me of that. When people who love, know, and respect the source material create something new, it turns out to be pretty good.

    Just the other night I thought: “Man, it would be so cool if Todd could do what he did with the Fallout show, but make it a Morrowind show instead.” Todd played a big role in Morrowinds development and he had previously said while he would love to remake it, it would be “too much reading for the modern audience.” So why not remake it as a TV show, Todd?