“I’m not dead! Stop this thing! What’s going on?! AAAAAHHHH!”
“I’m not dead! Stop this thing! What’s going on?! AAAAAHHHH!”
Why is musk standing like his feet are afraid of each other? He looks like a proper ninny.
As a Brit, for whom the colloquial for pennies is “pence” like “ten pence” is 10p, I feel he’s missing a trick not putting his fat leather apron of a face on the nickel or dime. Because then you could have “Trump pence”. You could call it a Trumpence
I used to think “being a millionaire” but that won’t even get me a decent house anymore let alone leave me set for life…
I guess I just want to be able to leave something for my family and the UK government not take completely all of it.
Sorry Nan, but we really need that squash
That cherry Mx keyboard is pretty cash yo