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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Mmm… yes and no.

    College towns are more lively and interesting, and notably more likely to have cultural things that similar-sized other towns don’t have - bookstores, galleries, music venues, museums and the like. That’s appealing.

    But there’s a downside to living in a college town as a non-student. The town is mostly geared toward serving the students, and that can get tiresome, since it’s near certain that some significant number of the students are going to be… well… assholes.

    Someone elsewhere in the thread mentioned tourist towns and their similar appeal, and I’d agree. But with the exact same proviso.

  • That’s rather obviously been one of Israel’s primary goals from the start - to destroy as much infrastructure as possible, to create as much hardship as possible for the Palestinians.

    And rather obviously, that’s in service to their longer term goal of taking full and direct control of Gaza. They want to render it uninhabitable, so that they can cast their planned occupation as a practical or even humanitarian necessity, rather than what it in fact is - brazen, and brazenly illegal, conquest.

    The central point to keep in mind as far as all of that goes is that Netanyahu and his hard-right cronies have, at every turn, entirely rejected a two-state solution and any form of Palestinian autonomy. To just the degree necessary to maintain a PR facade, they claim that conquest is not their intent, but if it’s not going to be a two-state solution, conquest is literally the only alternative, so it is and can only be their actual goal, and their claims to the contrary are and can only be quite simply lies.

    And not coincidentally, the wholesale destruction of Gazan infrastructure in which Israel has self-evidently engaged fits right in with that interpretation.

  • I would say that it depends on how the other person feels about the thing in question.

    If the person you say it to is sincerely lauding something, then yeah - I’d say it’s necessarily insulting, since you’re implying not only that they have no taste, but that they’ve been indoctrinated into mindlessly singing the thing’s (nonexistent) praises.

    But if the other person is simply asking about the thing, or better yet, has already signaled their own disdain for it, then it’s just a potentially appropriate potential witticism.

  • “Failing” implies that it was unintentional.

    The evidence quite clearly indicates that it was not - that it was instead a very deliberate choice made in pursuit of long-term goals

    Netanyahu explicitly rejects a two-state solution. His goal is to annex all existing Palestinian territory.

    The Palestinian people are justifiably unwilling to submit to that, because they know that that way leads to them being made second-class citizens of an apartheid state.

    The only alternative then is for Israel to conquer those territories - to kill enough Palestinians to terrorize the rest into subjugation. And that is, certainly not coincidentally, the exact strategy they’re pursuing at this moment.

    And the Hamas attack is the specific thing that made it possible for them to do so with at least some colorable semblance of justification.

    Therefore, the only reasonable conclusion is that when the Israeli government learned of the planned attack, a deliberate choice was made to not move to prevent it - to allow it to happen, because it would serve Netanyahu’s purposes when it did. As it has.

  • Yes and no.

    My parents are thankfully at the age at which they just don’t give much of a shit. They think that there was a lot of shady political shenanigans surrounding the whole thing (and I’d say they’re objectively correct about that), but they cynically expect that and mostly ignore it. They talked to their doctors and came to understand that covid is real, and dangerous, and that the vaccines do have some risks, but the benefits outweigh the risks, and that was enough for them to take it seriously and take proper precautions.

    My brothers on the other hand…

    I’m the oldest of three, and they’re both… well… angry, spiteful, delusional, Fox News and talk radio consuming, gun-toting, Trump-voting, road-raging reactionaries. So they both lined right up and marched in lockstep with the expected dogma, to my complete lack of surprise.

    So yes - our relations have been strained over it, but really it’s not quite accurate to say that it’s because of that, since that’s just one of the many, many MANY things on which we disagree.