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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • I really think that consciousness is just a combination of Narrow AI – that is, AI that is only good at a very specialized task. For example, we have a part of our brains specifically to process the raw data from our eyes, that’s a Narrow AI designed for that express purpose. When you combine all of the AIs that would be necessary for sight, smell, taste, touch, etc, as well as maintaining bodily functions, immune system, and other autonomic systems, you’ve essentially got an AI that can run a body.

    However, at the point, that body would rely purely on instinct and only react to it’s environment. Add one more layer of Narrow AI whose purpose is to extrapolate the given information and make educated guesses and you’ve got the potential for intelligence. Because now you’re not just reacting to the environment but you’re actively thinking of how you can use all of those other Narrow AI that control your body to shape your environment, which is the basis of intelligence.

  • Vf = Vi + at

    Means final velocity equals initial velocity plus the product of acceleration and time of acceleration.

    F = m(ΔV / ΔT) or F = ma

    The second equation is much simpler and means force is equal to the product of mass and acceleration.

    This can basically be broken down to be “it’s not the speed that kills you, it’s the sudden deceleration” which is usually attributed to Eddie Rickenbacker who was an American WWI pilot.

    “It’s not the speed that kills you, it’s the sudden stop” - Eddie Rickenbacker

    It was also famously paraphrased by Jeremy Clarkson:

    “Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary, that’s what gets you.” - Jeremy Clarkson, Top Gear

  • I think sarcasm usually has more of a negative tone to it. Like “oh yeah, sure, uh huh /s” whereas light hearted is more like “omg stop picking on me! /lh” conveying that they understand that the other people are also interacting with them in jest.

  • A Void’s plot follows a group of individuals looking for a missing companion, Anton Vowl. It is in part a parody of noir and horror fiction, with many stylistic tricks, gags, plot twists, and a grim conclusion. On many occasions it implicitly talks about its own lipogrammatic limitation, highlighting its unusual syntax. A Void’s protagonists finally work out which symbol is missing, but find it a hazardous topic to discuss, as any who try to bypass this story’s constraint risk fatal injury. Philip Howard, writing a lipogrammatic appraisal of A Void in his column Lost Words, said “This is a story chock-full of plots and sub-plots, of loops within loops, of trails in pursuit of trails, all of which allow its author an opportunity to display his customary virtuosity as an avant-gardist magician, acrobat and clown.”

    I also find it funny that this paragraph from OP’s link also avoids using an individual symbol. I’m also trying to do it in my post, but it’s hard to form any thought without it. I don’t think that I could draft a full book using this constraint, and notably a book that’s so cognizant of it’s own imposing limitation and of it’s protagonists habit of fourth wall smashing.

  • I don’t really get the appeal of strongly typed languages. Can’t you just use try/catch blocks, and/or use functional programming and return early if the data structure of whatever you’re working with isn’t what you expected?

    I guess it can help older code easier to maintain because the expected data structure is right there, but you could also just include it in a comment above the function.

    I personally find TS slows down initial production of a project and raises so many unnecessary errors.

    Is there some huge benefit that I’m missing? Because I don’t really get the appeal. I mean, I do on some level, but I don’t really understand why so many people are absolutely obsessed with TS.

  • A bunch of people are going to become related all of a sudden really quick!

    Honestly though, my partner and I already use the family sharing extensively, so I hope this is an improvement. It is kind of tedious right now that you have to physically log in to the other person’s machine to be able to add them to your family sharing plan, so any kind of improvement on that front is welcome.