• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Snapz@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    3 months ago

    I hope this isn’t the comic capturing the exact moment when Xers become boomers? Not the content of the comic itself, but the fact that a hyper obvious played out troupe like this, expressed through the comic, could be readily shared on social media widely as a discovery of some sort to peers of this generation?

  • It was by no means perfect, but it did become the defacto town square. The Arab Spring was facilitated in part through Twitter and George Floyd related protests were arranged, amplified and shared through Twitter.

    There’s plenty of incompetence in Musk, but a significant part of this “effort” was deliberate, as a favor to other like minded billionaires upset and frightened that the people had a working, maturing megaphone. They needed that to be broken, if not fully silenced, and musk was the pathetic piece of shit with daddy issues that the other old money billionaires could convince to do the work here as an attempt to gain their favor.

  • I didn’t use the word hate. That said, you don’t bicker about minor things when the house is actively on fire. Focus, get some bigger wins collectively.

    These types of introspective self improvement moments are for the quiet times, we’re not in the quiet times - those are a luxury that you earn, maybe. Much better use of our energy today than this.

  • I do two things that might not be mentioned otherwise:

    1. I have an end of workday regular, scheduled transition activity that occupies my mind - something stupid and simple (online multiplayer video game with tournaments that start at 5 and 7pm locally each day). I try to get work wrapped up enough to break away at 5pm and start a tournament most days. If it’s a particularly busy day, I try for the 7pm. It occupies my mind for 30 mins or so, and in combination I play YouTube videos in the background. It’s long enough to break the chains from the day’s activities and set me up for a good night most days.

    2. Learn to use the sleep functionality on your computer. At the end of the day, I deliberately toggle it on and it feels like a tangible “end” to the day.

    Not always successful, but works enough of the time. And most importantly… Know that your company DOES.NOT.GIVE.A.SHIT.ABOUT.YOU. and let that drive your courage to push that sleep button at the end of each day.

  • I wrote this right as the first elon buying Twitter mentions were popping up…

    Notably, Twitter facilitated communication during the arab spring, where the people organized to stand against and even overthrow several broken and corrupt government regimes throughout the middle east - including some participation in places like Saudi Arabia, for example.

    Twitter’s second largest investor after a musk takeover… the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and it’s de facto leader who, among other things, killed and dismembered an American journalist without consequence somewhat recently.

    And now Twitter is about to be killed… and dismembered.

  • I think so many people are institutionalized into Microsoft office suite (especially for outlook mail and calendar) and it is just so RIDICULOUSLY bad - I’d never really appreciated gmail or complimented gsuite until my company was acquired and forced to regularly work in outlook.

    I immediately took a 50% productivity hit and even daily success towards regular goals just doesn’t feel quite like success anymore because I’m always chasing my tail. Luckily I was already an overachiever, so my diminished workload is still good. Stupid company fucked themself out of a lot of wins for such a small, tone deaf decision.

    The simplest way I can say it is that before with gsuite I just never thought about productivity apps - they worked in the background to support me well enough. Now that we’re in outlook, I have multiple bad interactions that I have to navigate around every single workday.