What a wonderful idea. And it’s not like the displaced Palestinians will have displaced another people in 50 years time because everyone involved is brown and therefore culturally homogeneous. /s
What a wonderful idea. And it’s not like the displaced Palestinians will have displaced another people in 50 years time because everyone involved is brown and therefore culturally homogeneous. /s
I get your point that it’s not specifically Chrome or specifically Safari that are holding other browsers back, but Apple and Google own the vast majority of market share in mobile devices and by extension, browsers used in mobile devices. I think that’s the crux of what the investigation is getting at
I completely understand that neither would be very nimble but I’d expect with how large I’m sure both ships are (an assumption, I know) they shouldn’t need to be nimble to be able to avoid a collision if they’re so visible
I’m glad it’s not just me
Now, I’m no expert but as I understand it, the North Sea is a pretty big place.
How is this even possible with modern navigation and communication systems? Even archaic, navigation and communication systems would be able to prevent this from happening. A crows nest would probably be able to avoid this from happening.
Am I crazy?
There’s more watermark than there is image 😂
Seconded. In most cases people tend to become what they see most often
I first saw this news over on Reddit, immediately searched for an alternative. Got home from work and now here I am
I was not making a serious comment. Reread it but inject as much sarcasm into the tone as possible