• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I’d guess it pretty closely follows the development of concepts that put words to spacial dimensions - 2 points make a line, 2 lines make a plane, multiple planes establish a volume, etc

    If you think of time as a line and follow the same logic as spacial dimensions, you have the ‘line’ that represents reality as you’ve experienced it, but every event that has more than one potential outcome branches out from that point the same way the axes that make up length, width, and depth branch from one point. Instead of a 3-D space, we have… well, the multi-worlds theory.

  • Sterile_Technique@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldJust sprinkle it on
    22 days ago

    It’s all part of God’s plan

    My responses to that nonsense include:

    “Damn, that guy’s a real sadist.”

    “Which god? My money’s on Zeus, he’s always cooking up this type of shenanigans when he’s trying to trick some woman into fucking him.”

    “Our Lord the flying spaghetti monster would do no such thing.”


    Feel free to contribute some more ammo.

  • They’re engineered to be as obnoxious and often deceptive as possible.

    I don’t mind adverts that show what a product is and what it costs, but those ones apparently underperform compared to the flashy/loud/clickbaity shit that’s infested the internet and any other space that gives them a route to invade your field of view.

    Ad blockers are a must now-a-days; any video that shoves that “and now a word from our sponsors!” shit in the middle of it gets a thumbs-down; and I’ll actively avoid products I see on billboards / physical adverts.