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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • This is about control. If you’re forced to upload ID, the government instantly has a watch list of people and associated sites. Then there’s the flexibility of the definition of porn. Once the legislation is in, anything regarding sex, sexuality, or gender education gets quietly reclassified. Because you know, to these people being anything but straight is inherently pornographic. Then you have a watch list of potential LGBT+ people and allies to harass.

  • Australia isn’t that much better. Yeah, you’re much less likely to get shot unless it’s by the cops, but housing and grocery prices are insane. Public health is kind of okay at the moment, but it’s slowly and surely being gutted along with most other public services. It’s honestly worse than it was even 2-3 years ago. Disability and unemployment are a labyrinthine nightmare of maliciously incompetent bureaucracy. Workers rights don’t suck in some places, but if you’re coming in on a visa, you may be required to do work in regional areas, and the employers out there 100% know this and will take advantage of it. Some industries have very strong unions (construction). My state has sick pay guarantees for casual workers and jail time is a possibility for wage theft. I think it’s the only one where that’s true tho. Otoh we just voted nationally to continue systemic racism, we have nazis sieg heiling in the streets, our prime minister is a non-event and the opposition leader is an angry potato.

  • I always liked Calhoun’s solution. Obliterate the Maru. It’s either a trap or it’s not. If it is, you don’t want to leave it there for someone else to fall for. If it’s not, you don’t want to leave it there to cause a diplomatic incident, and fiery plasma death is probably better than whatever the Klingons / Romulans would do to the crew.

    Of course, I don’t recommended launching a full spread of photon torpedoes at your gf.