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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I once read an article that basically called the military a billion dollar vocational school program and it really shifted my perspective. Like I kinda don’t give a shit about most people or why they join - maybe it’s that chance at upward mobility, maybe it’s the desire to serve a cause, maybe it’s a desire to feel a part of something bigger, all of which are legit human needs and desires. As an idea, I’m kind of neutral leaning towards negative in the military. It’s when I start looking at it in the broader context thag I get angry, and it’s not necessarily at the rank and file, and sometimes not even the mid to high leadership. It’s the presidents and the politicians and business people who lead the whole thing and play games with people’s lives. I even have sympathy for the angry knuckle dragging meatheads because they just got duped, again, by the ruling class.

  • I remember taking psych 101 or some equivalent and there was an entire 50 minute lecture about Freud. At the end I raised my hand and was like, “This… This is all considered bullshit now, right?” I can’t remember what exactly the answer was, but I do remember that it wasn’t an unequivocal yes. And that scared me.

  • Eh. I want to fuck a 20 year old. I want to have a relationship with a 40 year old. I’ve been in two different casual relationships with women younger than me (33/23, and 35/26) and they were exhausting. Not having any common cultural touchstones was a much bigger bummer than I thought it would be. So I wanted to spend an hour or two with them, but I find myself perfectly content spending an entire day with my current (39/35) fiance.

  • I was talking to someone (younger, obviously) and they used the phrase “in the late 1900s” completely unironically. It stopped me dead in my tracks and took my brain about 5 seconds to compute. By the time I was able to speak again, the only thing I could say was “you need to shut the fuck up and leave right now.”

    As an elder millennial (84, fuckers) I’m really struggling with entering middle age. But I guess I just approach it the same way my generation has approached everything else, with a weird mix of existential dread and wry humor (hat tip to Gen X for starting that, though).