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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • it might have been restarted later, but it would have stopped first

    Fascism doesn’t stop until everyone internalizes that fascism is a terrible ideology. And then keeps teaching that to new generations.

    this happened. it was real. it likely still is real. atop denying history to spare fucking Nazis.

    Killing people won’t kill their ideas. The myth of lost cause would still have been spread by non-slave owners. It just would have taken longer. People don’t have to directly learn about fascism from a 20th century fascist to become fascists. Even if every living Nazi, fascist, and confederate sympathizer dropped dead right now we would run into this problem sooner rather than later. Ideas and information are freely available on the internet. They circulate faster than ever before. If we don’t defeat these ideas then we will keep having this problem no matter how many people die.

  • so why are you arguing with me?

    I was agreeing with you. I added my two cents.

    hard disagree. it would have stopped. maybe somebody would have dug it up later and started it back up, but it would have stopped.

    People who weren’t Nazis knew what fascism was. Fascists wrote books and gave speeches. Fascism would still exist in peoples’ minds as a concrete idea that can be communicated to other people even if no Nazis survived the war.

    I met them. their grandchildren and great children, at family reunions. they worked hard to craft and propagate these myths. they were proud of it. expected their grandchildren to keep it up.

    People who didn’t own slaves spread the myth as well. Killing entire families of slave owners would not have stopped this.

    The fascists and confederate sympathizers of today aren’t necessarily direct biological descendants of those in the past. They are ideological descendants.

  • don’t think I referred to tfem as a race but I could have. I’m not super likely to bother scrolling up for a hezbarite though.

    I was referring to the poster above you.

    the ideas could have been spread by people who weren’t Nazis, but were I’m this actual extant timeline spread by actual Nazis.

    My point is that killing all Nazis wouldn’t have prevented Fascism from spreading.

    american civil war was the same. every one of those slaver families needed to die. every adult, and possibly the children, if they weren’t adopted out

    Killing all slave owners wouldn’t have stopped the Lost Cause of the Confederacy myth which is responsible for the confederate sympathizers we have today. The myth is an idea and can be spread by people who don’t own slaves.

  • Israeli is not the same thing as Jewish.

    Yes, I am Jewish, but not Israeli. I assumed most people referring to Israelis as a race are referring to Jews a race. It seems weird to confuse nationality with race in the 21st century.

    Many Jewish people hate Israel.

    I don’t hate Israel, because hating Israel is more taxing to me than it is to Israel. I think Israel is an apartheid state that’s committing genocide and war crimes in Gaza, Zionism is a fascist ideology, the current Israeli government is dominated by fascists, and that the concept that we need a Jewish ethnostate in order to be safe is ridiculous. Israel needs to change radically and it needs to change as soon as possible.

  • Typically when people are saying Jews are a race, they referring to the idea that Jews are not White, as in they cannot be White. Jews can be White, but they can also be Black, Native American or Hispanic. Jews are not in a racial category that excludes them from being part of these groups. That’s what I was referring to when I wrote race.

    That’s not really the main point, I was agreeing with the person I responding to and adding some clarification. It seemed to have distracted from the issue at hand.

    Killing people isn’t how we stop the spread of fascism in the modern day. We need to spread information, for example, that fascism is a self-destructive ideology that will destroy hundreds of millions of lives and that the Republican Party is controlled by fascists. I think most people know that on lemmy, but there are plenty of people who will check into politics in the months leading up to the election and form their opinions then. A misconception I see on lemmy is that some people assume we can defeat fascism with guns alone. That isn’t going to cut it. We have to reach more people with true information before fascists reach them with misinformation. Once a person forms an opinion they are unlikely to discard that opinion when presented with new information in the short term. That short term can easily last until the election, so these months leading up to the election are crucial. edit: capitalization

  • who the fuck mentioned Jews here? I’m talking about Israelis, cut your equivocating antisemitic bullshit.

    If someone refers to Israelis as a race I would assume they are confusing Jews, an ethnic group, culture and religion as a race as opposed to confusing Israelis, a nationality, as a race.

    we didn’t stop Nazism because we didn’t kill enough Nazis, on either side of the ocean. the fuckers who got social media in on it can be traced back to that. if we’d killed more Nazis then, we wouldn’t have these problems now.

    Even if we had killed everyone who was a Nazi, the ideas could be still be spread by people who are not Nazis and then internalized and adopted by a new group of Nazis. Ideas outlive the people came up with them and believed in them. The best that would do is kick the can further down the road, but we still have to deal with this problem eventually.

  • Jews are an ethnic group, culture, and religion, but not a race. It’s a common enough misconception spread via the media. Also any given Jew is not necessarily all three.

    The lesson from World War II is that war can only delay the spread of an idea, but not destroy it. Ideas have to be fought with other ideas. Killing Nazis only bought us time to think of better ideas, spread them, and deradicalize people. Thanks to conservative propaganda networks and social media, we’re on the verge of a fascist takeover. We are in an information race against fascists. The fascists are turning the US into a christofascist dictatorship, by controlling the narrative and driving the news cycle, not by killing anyone. We have to beat them in this race to stop them.

  • ToastedPlanet@lemmy.blahaj.zonetomemes@lemmy.worldWorth the risk
    4 months ago

    I would say this is a case of Xenophobia, an irrational fear of strangers.


    People with xenophobia experience significant, sudden anxiety and distress when they are around strangers. They often go out of their way to avoid seeing, interacting with, or even thinking about strangers. This type of avoidance can negatively affect major aspects of day-to-day life. For example, someone with xenophobia may find it hard to function normally at work or in social situations.[3]

  • ToastedPlanet@lemmy.blahaj.zonetoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldHas my mom gone mad?
    4 months ago

    I wouldn’t feel safe sleeping in a room with a random internet stranger my mom met over the internet. In fact, I wouldn’t really feel safe sleeping in the same room as people I’ve met while playing internet games and I’ve met some cool people. People can easily fake an internet persona over long periods of time. I don’t feel like this is empathy problem on your part. Trust takes time to build and it’s not something that can really be done over the internet if your entire history with the person is based purely on online interactions.

  • The issue is not if some people stay home with their parents. The issue is when it becomes wide spread over the population. What we’re seeing with the housing market and more people with the financial necessity to live with their parents is a form of generational control. Conservatives want younger generations more dependent on their parents for housing so their parents have a say over those younger generations longer.

    If a person’s parents control whether or not that person has a roof over their head, then that person is less likely to engage in political behaviors, life style choices, or life saving medical treatments like HRT, that could upset their parents. This could depend on the politics of a person’s parents, but the the trend is for younger generations to be more progressive than older generations.

  • I agree with most of this. I love the Jurassic Park comparison.

    We’re unlikely to see the movement specifically criminalize a religious movement the way that Mormons were identified and chased out in the 19th century,

    Although it was mostly blocked by courts, we had a Muslim travel ban under Trump. Now Trump is threatening mass deportations of millions of immigrants and migrants from Latin America. The proposed strategy will first involve rounding up people into camps so they can be processed for deportation. Even if no one dies in this process, I think that it would still qualify as a form of ethnic cleansing. So I think we should not underestimate what the fascists are willing to do when it comes to targeting entire groups of people. Especially when they explicitly tell us what they are going to do.

    Resistance efforts will watch for opportunities within this chaos, and will operate much the way…

    …but we will be able to slow it down and raise questions to the public regarding how it will affect the public.

    People tend to assume that will be some kind of resistance movement. If people aren’t willing to vote against fascism, I find it hard to believe they will be willing to speak out against fascism let alone fight it directly. Hopefully, in such a scenario, I am proven wrong.

    Our best strategy to prevent a fascist takeover is to Vote Blue this November. It’s a direct, nonviolent way to reach a better outcome for our country. I fully believe that the American people will choose democracy over fascism this year. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t put in the work this year. Anything we could do as part of a nonviolent resistance or as part of an awareness campaign in the event of a fascist takeover can and should be done now. This is the year where winning over the public is going to have the most impact.