• 1 Post
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024


  • same. you could disagree and joke about it. now it’s all demonization, labels, etc.

    i feel like you could share an experience/thought and get interesting responses… now it’s just people trying to pigeonhole you and decide if you are ‘on their side’ or not. you could make a joke about a bad date and people would be like ‘haha same’ now it’s ‘why do you hate x’, ‘clearly you are mentally ill’, ‘you are clearly evil’. very little discussion… just judgement and hate.

    Am seriously considering founding a not-for-profit to provide an ad free / spam free / bot free basic community. Would cost a dollar or two a month. Chief differences to the lemmy would be one account per person via proof of identity signup (I think this would improve behaviour and discourage spam), a single authority to tackle voting abuse and other things useful to be not federated.

  • Same. IRL and online communities I have experienced this. Obnoxious people come in, take over, and then make everything about them… only people who want to be around that are other obnoxious people so things become a circlejerk.

    not really hipsterish… but very common IME with any community that hipster types of people start joining. They start policing others because of their raging insecurity and need to be seen as cool.

  • it’s a fad in terms of the hype and the superstition.

    it won’t go away. it will just become boring and mostly a business to business concern that is invisible to the end consumer. just like every other big fad of the past 20 years. ‘big data’, ‘crypto’, etc.

    5 years ago everyone was suddenly a ‘data scientist’. where are they now? yeah… exactly.