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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2024


  • The first time she got internet backlash was when the rape crisis center she was funding wanted to be a safe space where women with extreme trauma would be away from the source of their trauma i.e. humans with penises.

    Restricting access by sex rather than gender was seen as deeply offensive and she got a lot of hate, death threats and etc which resulted in her getting in arguments that pushed her into becoming ever more outspoken.

  • They don’t know anything about China’s government or its history, they’re simply combining their hate of capitalism with their hate of China - they’ve picked up a few wesponized talking points to allow them to talk like they know everything because admitting the whole thing is super complex and confusing makes them feel scared and lost in this big old world.

    It’s also racism, communism and capitalism are western ideologies so they consider them valid, Chinese principles and reforms are foreign and worthless in their eyes - they simply can’t accept that they’re not playing the western way, the idea of a third thing is incomprehensible to them. It’s the same with Chinese tech, people want to belive all they can do is copy the west, I think partly it just feels weird trying to accept that even in some small way people are ahead of us.

    Their electric cars for example are presented as a rudimentary version of American ev but the reality is they’re a product very well suited to China’s integrated transport network which allows easy and affordable train travel for long distance and commuter transit. Small last-mile and runaround focused EV works in China because that’s how they planned for their transit system to work, they’re flowing a series of five year plans which lay out the shape and direction of their economy with the goal of benefitting the people. It’s a centrally planned economy working through a complex series of committees and congresses. Of course that’s communism, anyone that says it isn’t is just being weird.

  • Yeah which creates a division where all sane and sensible visions of sexuality are forbidden leaving only more extreme depictions from porn focused sites which race to extremes.

    I think it’s an unhealthy approach, we need sensible and loving eroticism to serve as a good example otherwise all we have is the absurdity of porn - I’m no prude and not al all against fetish porn or whatever as long as it’s consensual and safe but objectification and extremism don’t make healthy relationships or happy lives (not say they can’t be part of a great relationship but they dont work as the basis for it)

  • Ai is already hugely useful and will continue to get more useful as the tech evolves. I know that change upsets you but the reality is you were not born at the highpoint of humanity or the endpoint of history.

    It’s going to make the world better for a lot of people just like the internet did despite the endless assertions that it was a gmick, scam, and mistake from people who were likely your age now when the internet was emerging.

    The funniest thing to me is seeing this community which holds people like Aaron Swartz up as a hero demand the exact opposite of everything he believed in and fought for. Information wants to be free - you want to lock every piece in perpetual impenetrable copyright just to halt the development of tech.