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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Are you implying everyone there is future hamas?

    No, and yes. If Hamas means resistance then sure. I don’t see any Palestinians condemning Hamas because Hamas are literally brothers and sons and relatives of the survivors who have been born into oppression and have no option but to rebel or die.

    Let’s say you have a child, completely innocent, born into this world. Within a few years, he has survived multiple wars, seen violence and death dozens of times, and is already desensitised to mutilation and death by the time he’s 7 years old. His family is dead, he’s surviving on the good graces of strangers with no prospects for education and no moral compass in the form of parents to guide him on what’s right and wrong.

    By the time he’s 17, he’s being recruited into Hamas, who under a 70 year occupation, comprises people just like him, that want a free Palestine where children can be children and oppression isn’t the norm. You’re not going to reform him without removing his raison d’etre. Until there’s Israeli oppression and no free Palestine, he’s Hamas.

    Do I agree with what Hamas did on October 7th? No. But in all forms of media and in history, people who are oppressed and free themselves from imprisonment and oppression are seen as heroes (if they’re imprisoned unjustly, of course!), regardless of the number of people they kill in order to achieve their goals (like blowing up a Death Star, killing everyone on it).

    The Star Wars’ rebel alliance is an example. So is Katniss in Hunger Games or the Na’Vi in the Avatar movies. In my mind there’s little difference between them. We don’t condemn them as terrorists so why is Hamas different?

  • Look I get it, and you’re probably right, but this world doesn’t work in that way.

    The US just side-stepped Congress to approve an arms shipment to Israel for the second time this month. Missiles and bombs aren’t the answer, but we have to remain consistent.

    And what will summoning Netenyahu achieve? He’ll go to prison laughing (assuming the US ever let it get that far!), knowing his successor will reap the rewards of an uninhabitable Gaza full of a resentful, broken population fated to become the next Hamas for us to condemn in a few years’ time. Israel will win land and space for more illegal settlements that’ll go unchallenged because the US will continue to veto any action against them.

    I don’t agree military action is the answer but in the middle of a war where one side is being heavily supported, it makes little sense why the other side wouldn’t seek some extra power as well.

  • I posted proof that Hamas uses hospitals as military bases

    What proof? You’ve provided nothing. You just said they use hospitals as bases. There’s no link, no source, no evidence at all.

    Israel destroyed Al Shifa Hospital under the lie that there were tunnels and a command centre underneath, and weeks later there’s still no evidence of anything that resembles a command centre.

    There’s no evidence at all that these facilities were being used as bases. Bombing thousands of wounded, innocent civilians under the probability that there might be a base (even though it’s not confirmed) is just terrorism.

    The only reason Israel isn’t being done for war crimes right now is the US, and even they are saying the bombing is indiscriminate.

  • How can you possibly arrive at this conclusion? There’s no evidence for this whatsoever.

    The US asking for China’s help is also a way of getting China to reveal what kind of arsenal it has at its disposal. China staying out if it makes perfect sense.

    This conflict would stop if the US stopped supplying Israel, and condemned them and imposed sanctions on them. Following an Israeli ceasefire, the houthis would have no reason to continue their attacks and the problem would be resolved.

  • He is directly and personally benefitting from the Israeli genocide of innocent Palestinians in Gaza. The huge contracts awarded to BP benefit his wife’s firm directly, so he is allowing it to happen. He can’t say the world is no utopia if he’s directly responsible for the bombing, the daft prick.

    The people destabilised there after Israel has bombed the everliving hell out of it, will probably look to move somewhere where there’s no war and their children (what’s left of them anyway) can at least grow to adulthood without being blown up.

    It’s human nature, to migrate from a disaster. In every single depiction of apocalypses and disasters in the media, people instinctively run for the border, taking all their belongings. Why not them? There are no wars in Europe. It makes total sense. I’d do the same every single time. If I’ve lost everything I own, it makes sense I have no money or documents to enter those countries legally. I’d have to seek asylum. It makes sense.

  • He’s not an organic tech reviewer. All of his devices are sponsored. He exists in a completely different world than the vast majority of his audience. Money is not an object for him and he promotes always having day 1 tech.

    That’s true to some extent, I guess.

    I’ve always thought his approach has remained broadly consistent to his roots (I’ve been subbed to him since he was much, much smaller) but yes, the products he reviews now are almost always provided to him rather than being bought by him personally. This becomes true of any channel of his size, but I’ve not seen his opinion change as a result.

    He addresses the topic about bias in this short , but we can look to his phone of the year awards to assess his biases objectively. For every year since the awards began in 2014, an Android device has always won Phone of the Year. An iPhone has never won an award for Best design, Best Value or Best Big Phone since records began either.

    iPhones have won best camera system since 2018, but he maintains that this is due to the superior video capabilities of iPhones, but still prefers the ‘look’ of a Pixel photo, or the hardware of a Samsung (20x zoom etc). Androids dominate every single category simply because there are so many companies developing and competing against each other to make better and better Android devices.

    Marques is personally almost always rocking a Pixel or Samsung Galaxy device as his main daily driver (because he loves the customisation and the freedom that android devices give him), and has an iPhone in his other pocket for apple things. He calls out bad Android and Apple devices in equal measure, and he actively advised against buying a newer Mac because the M2 and M3 products just don’t give you enough of an upgrade over M1 to make it worthwhile.

    I watch every single video he puts out and just don’t see the Apple shill thing. He has always come across as an Android fan to me, but I hear the Apple shill thing all the time.