Tell me about it…if you have certain less obvious disabilities, you are 100% screwed, even in a liberal society.
That explains why mine was so unapetizing.
Ahaha YES!
So unfortunate that it had to be this way though, Twitter was the perfect name for such a social media app.
I needed my face, ID, and username to get unbanned (disco was convinced I’m underage)
I remember this one Reddit some year ago.
You know who stays behind? I’m pretty Liberal, but I won’t stalk you and end your career for misgendering someone, I will just warn you that you are out of line.
Lemmy is a bit closer to center than Reddit.
What’s it going to do? Swallow you? Lmao. It can try. I don’t see how it can intentionaly hurt an actual human.
They are going to get far more than they bargained for!
Never could watch the whole thing
Trump will overturn this almost instantly the moment he gets into power. This is just a gesture. He should have done it sooner.
We need to be better than Reddit in every way!
Yes sir! On it!
We just have to let’s just say, build a world without them. If you commit violence, you get arrested. But if you where to say, design your life around buying the least amount of stuff from corpos possible, then you would starve them of their income. This is completely legal to do, and hard to propaganda against.
Our problem is we are far far too dependent!
No idea what that is about, maybe because I do want to eat meat, without the moral implications.
Anyway, I doubt I can get away with it in this conservative shithole country. If I didn’t live with my parents, I would have cut meat quite a lot. I actually prefer salads and such.
Wtf! Where did it go!?!
But they hurt my fee fees with their mean words!
The meme is 5 months old, the shooting happened a few days ago. Time travelers man!
I wish cloned meat was a viable thing. No animal suffering, far less pollution, sticking it to the vegan.
Disco Elysium Harry Du Boi “Look”, but it’s a woman.