Artist. Formally /u/1831942.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • This is already a thing. They’re just not shaped like tanks.

    Are they providing them rent-free, to people with disabilities? If not, fuck them. Also, it’s more about the trails than the vehicle. You need a wide, flat trail. You can’t risk flipping a mobility scooter. It can kill the rider, and they’re heavy as fuck, even if they survive.

    Edit: sorry this ticked me off. Do you have an article?

  • My sister can’t move her feet at the ankle. She’ll never drive unless we can afford a custom 50k car. She has a 3,000 dollar mobility scooter. We had to spend about a month mapping the city to figure out WHERE THE FUCK SHE COULD GET ON AND OFF THE SIDEWALK.

    Edit: Let me elaborate further:

    It was so bad, that if we didn’t think ahead, we would have to go back a half a mile. I’m not joking. You ever seen those roads between neighborhoods with no turn offs? Better make sure that side walk ends with a ramp, otherwise, you have to go ALL the way back. You also can’t lift the scooter, it’s over 100lb. If you’re reading this, please petition your town to add more ramps to the sidewalk.

    My sister has to have every bone from her pelvis to her ankle broken, REGULARLY. They have to cut all of her muscles, stretch them, reconnect them, and then inject them with botox. They then set them in a cast. This is just so she can properly grow, due to cerebral paulsy. And then, just to rub dirt in the wound, we can’t even use the sidewalk properly. We’re surrounded by beautiful nature and trails. She doesn’t get to experience that. Please petition your towns to add more ramps to the sidewalk. I’ll get off my soap box.