I firmly believe that a “crustless ice mantle” meets the definition of an ocean.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • What motivated you to switch branches? Did it solve another issue? Why were you not on the latest branch yesterday, ie, why did you roll back originally? Does one driver work better for some games, and another driver works better for others?

    Nvidia drivers are jank. I honestly haven’t touched them since 2017. I remember having to reboot and switch drivers to switch games I was playing with friends and finding the whole experience annoying as hell. I realized that Linus Torvalds was right, fuck nvidia, AMD is the way to go. Have not had to touch anything with my drivers since switching. All of my interactions with nvidia since have confirmed that they are not a company deserving of my patronage.

  • There’s usually only like 5 tracks. “What’s recommended” is nouveau, which works but not for gaming. It’s recommended because it’s open source and can do most things that the proprietary nvidia drivers can do. Nvidia is really bad at maintaining their drivers, and different drivers work better for different cards.

    Nvidia sucks. Switch to AMD and never have a problem again. Or spend an hour testing each of the proprietary options maintained in the debian repos, and most likely find that at least one of them works. Until an update to the drivers or kernel comes along, and breaks it again, so you have to play around with driver versions and kernel versions to find a combo that works. That’s less likely to happen if you stick with a debian-based distro vs a bleeding-edge distro like arch.

    And buy AMD for your next machine to send a message to nvidia that their driver support sucks!

  • Jefferey Epstein didn’t kill himself.

    Before he didn’t kill himself, he infamously ran some sex clubs.

    These would be well-known examples representing a subset of what I would consider to be “problematic” sex clubs.

    I would not want to be a part of a pride celebration where clubs like those have representation.

    Pride is about throwing bricks at cops and celebrating our suppressed diversity, not the kinds of sex clubs that politicians go to. Pride is about tearing down hierarchies and problematic power dynamics, not fetishizing them. Or, at least, that’s my understanding of pride having never been to any sort of pride event. I know the history with stonewall and all of that, and that’s my picture of pride and what it should be.

    The kinds of sex clubs that politicians go to are the only kinds of sex clubs of which I am aware, so I’m skeptical of sex clubs being represented at pride.