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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • I hear you. When you’re trying to write one big test that verifies the whole code flow or whatever, it can be HELL, especially if the code has been written in a way that makes it difficult to write a robust test.

    God, big mocks are the WORST. It might not be applicable in your case, but I far prefer doing some setup and teardown so that I’m actually making the network request, against some test endpoint that I set up in the setup stage. That way you know the issues aren’t cropping up due to some mocking nonsense going wrong.

    Asserting that some arbitrary numbers match can be quite fragile, as I’m sure you’ve experienced. But if the code itsself had been written in such a way that you had an easier assertion to make, well, winner!

    Its all easier said than done, of course, but your colleagues having given up on testing because they’re bad at it is kinda disheartening I bet. How are you gonna get good at it if you don’t do it! :D

  • Yeah, but it isn’t usually very difficult to write a test correctly, unit tests especially.

    If you can’t write a test to validate the behaviour that you know your application needs to exhibit, then you probably can’t write the code to create that behaviour in the first place. Or, in a less binary sense, if you would write a test which isn’t “right”, you’re probably just as likely to have written code that isn’t “right”.

    At least in the case with the test, you write the test and the code, and when the test fails (or, doesn’t fail when it should) you’re tipped off to something being funky.

    I’m sure you could end up writing a test that’s bad in just the right way to end up doing more harm than good, but I do think that’s the exception(heh).

  • My team follows test driven development, so I write a test before writing the feature that the test, well, tests.

    This leads to cleaner code in general because it tends to be the case that easy to test code is also easy to read.

    On top of this fact, the test suite acts as a sort of “contract” for the code behaviour. If I tweak the code and a test no longer works, then my code is doing something fundamentally different. This “contract” ensures that changes to one codebase aren’t going to break downstream applications, and makes us very aware of when we are making breaking changes so we can inform downstream teams.

    Writing tests and having them running at PR time(or, before its deployed to production, if you’re not using some sort of VCS and CI/CD) should absolutely be a part of your dev cycle. Its better for everyone involved!