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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 7th, 2024


  • I usually try to plan a few foot-based errands in the area while they work on my car: maybe the pharmacy for my meds or some toothpaste, the bakery for a couple of these cupcakes my daughter loves, browse the bookstore, talk with the tea shop owner.

    We’re always in such a hurry and complain about missing the ‘community feeling’ of ‘the old days’, yet we never spend the time to just walk about the community, doing errands instead of “running errands”, casually catching up on events and goings-on. I like to use my time for that kind of thing.

  • I’d visit all my old friends and loved ones; without letting on what’s going on, I’d tell them how much I loved them and the impact they’ve had on my life. Arrange the basics of my funeral. Get rid of a bunch of stuff that I like but will just be underfoot when they clear out my place. Organize and label family photos and videos. Stick post-its on things made by my grandparents, great-grandparents and other relatives who they can be passed on if desired. Put together that book of old family recipes. Give some things away to specific people to make sure they end up where I think they ought to go. Make arrangements for my cat, and tell her how much I love her and how much I’ll miss her, but that she’ll be okay.

  • Wikipedia:

    In late 2006, programmer Jed McCaleb thought of building a website for users of the Magic: The Gathering Online tradable card game service, to let them trade “Magic: The Gathering Online” cards like stocks.[13][14][4] In January 2007, he purchased the domain name mtgox.com, short for “Magic: The Gathering Online eXchange”.[15][16][17][18] Initially in beta release,[19] sometime around late 2007, the service went live for approximately three months before McCaleb moved on to other projects, having decided it was not worth his time. In 2009, he reused the domain name to advertise his card game The Far Wilds.[20]

    In July 2010, McCaleb read about bitcoin on Slashdot,[21] and decided that the bitcoin community needed an exchange for trading bitcoin and regular currencies. On 18 July, Mt. Gox launched its exchange and price quoting service deploying it on the spare mtgox.com domain name.[14][22]

    I’m not sure when people started to refer to it as Mt Gox.

  • One of my friend’s life ambitions was to own a Jaguar, and he finally managed to buy a used one. He called his insurance agent to add the car to his policy. The agent was like, “Oh, a second car, a Jaguar, no problem. How many miles do you think you’ll be putting on it each year? Five thousand should be plenty, yeah?”

    And my friend is like, "No! I’m fixing it up and driving it everywhere! I need lots of miles!. and the insurance agent is very quiet and then suggests starting with 5k miles and see how it goes. Whatever, my friend thinks, this guy just doesn’t understand the allure of the Jaguar!

    He fixes it up, gets it running, here about three blocks from the house and it breaks down. Pushes it home, fixes it up again, gets about five blocks. This goes on for months.

    Eventually, my friend changes his car insurance back to 5k per year, and acknowledges that he’ll never ever ever reach that much. It’s mostly a garage princess, not (entirely) out of a desire to keep the body fresh, but more because it constantly needs babying.

    I’m not sure your dad’s Jaguar is any better.

  • I know there’s a floor insulation issue, but what about redirecting air, and other sources of leaks? Does your basement have vents in it? Turn them off and maybe consider getting bent covers that can seal in the summer. Close the vents on the first floor so that (the majority of) the cool air comes in at the second floor and sinks down. Weather-strip and baffle the basement door.

    Also, see if your electric company offers a home energy assessment. It takes about an hour, and there are usually two tiers: free, and a second tier where you pay for a blow test. They can make some recommendations on making your home more energy efficient.

  • I agree this sounds like ADHD to me, but I’m curious and a bit concerned. You say you’re doing this to your work computer? Most places I’ve worked were committed to one flavor of operating system, so I’m a little curious about what you do [which is something you don’t have to answer, obs].

    On the work side, however, this constant tinkering with your operating system has got to be affecting the amount of work you can get done. If this isn’t a job you care about, fair enough. If it is, I’d likely survey my coworkers and use whatever OS they’re using - at the very least, it increases the chances of confrere “tech support” when something goes wrong, plus the ability to share tools and methods.

    If you’re not willing to dual boot, is there a chance you could set up a second PC, running one for each OS? You could get a KVM switch to swap between “instances” and save yourself this endless OS reinstallation process.

  • Biden could stop supplying weapons and ammunition until the radical Republicans finally pass a budget that includes money for that. He could put limitations on the weapons that we do supply to Israel, like we’ve put restrictions on the weapons we supply to the rest of the world - including Ukraine. He could put sanctions on the members of the Israeli government and the Israeli press and the Israeli religious community that have publicly called for Palestinian genocide. He could speak against Israel’s actions in his speeches, or send surrogates out to do so on his behalf. He could stop vetoing toothless UN resolutions calling for Israel to stop murdering civilians.