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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 12th, 2023


  • You have to set the docker container name as the destination, not the host IP.

    Test everything from the beginning.

    # check your FQDN is set up correctly.

    $ nslookup

    $ nslookup

    # Test your web host from out of the docker host.
    $ curl -v http://your_fqdn

    # test your web host on the host machine.
    $ curl -v -H “Host: your_fqdn” http://localhost
    # check if your port is exposed if you map it.

    docker ps | grep

    # check if your mapped port is listening on the docker host
    netstat -tlnp | grep

    #check if your container is reachable by NPM.

    docker exec -it bash

    [root@docker-278f29455e29:/app]# apt update && apt install netcat

    [root@docker-278f29455e29:/app]# nc -zv

    if NPM reaches docker, you’re OK.

    There are many things you have to check more, for example, NPM and your destination container should be in the same docker network.

    # docker inspect | grep NetworkID
    # docker inspect | grep NetworkID

    They should be equal.

    etc. etc.