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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023

  • Why should we believe that a more equitable voting system would solve this issue? Or any similar issues?

    To be sure, ranked choice voting would result in some improvements to the United States, and should be supported on that basis. But it would do nothing to modify the current structure wherein oligarchs rule the United States with impunity. It’s just that this would empower the neoliberal Democratic oligarchs rather than the fascist Republican oligarchs. Which is harm reduction and is therefore preferable, but is not a meaningful solution - especially to something as entrenched as Zionism

  • It also forces the government to make voting easy.

    No it doesn’t. I could easily see Republicans making voting very difficult under such a system, particularly within zip codes that vote for Democrats. This would punish Dem supporters who failed to vote, and would generally make the public hostile to mandatory voting - which would help build public support for the abolition of such mandatory voting

    The government is only incentivized to make voting easy if all major parties are loyal to the public. That isn’t the case in the United States

  • It doesn’t account for socioeconomic disparities, which is a far greater indicator and predictor of crime than race.

    It doesn’t acknowledge systemic bias and racism in policing practices, again well documented.

    It doesn’t take into account disparities in reporting and data collection.

    Ultimately the fbi statistics are in fact questionable for a multitude of reasons, the least of which being that they are direct statistics that don’t take into account underlying causes.

    Right and all of these clearly disadvantage black Americans, and specifically black men, for obviously racist reasons.

    Why do these not also disfavor men generally for equally bigoted reasons? Are there not fallacious biases regarding the innate criminality of men just as there are fallacious biases regarding the innate criminality of black people?

  • You’re saying that the FBI crime statistics demonstrating that more crimes per capita are committed by black Americans than any other race are fabricated?

    If so, then shouldn’t we similarly disbelieve all similar demographic data?

    If not, then shouldn’t we segregate black Americans away from the rest of us?

    The point is that you are making the arguments of a white supremacist and a segregationist

  • Empirical data, and the experiences of Whites everyday, makes the caution reasonable. It is not bigotry for Whites to be cautious around Blacks, especially strange Blacks but even with Blacks that Whites know (80% of rapes are perpetuated by someone the victim knows). Trust is earned and the default should always be caution, especially when the person you’re dealing with holds any sort of power over you (physical strength, etc.).

    Literally you rn

  • When there’s a preponderance of empirical evidence that a certain group of people poses a larger risk to another group of people, it validates the decision to approach them with caution.

    Literally Nazi rationale for 1930s Germany. Or White Americans justification for segregation. Or Israeli justification for genocide against Palestinians

    People are people. Immutable traits have no influence on how anyone should ever be treated