Also funny how your racist idiots seems to care a lot about women when it comes to shitting on arabs. You’re not better than a trumpist dude. Kill yourself
Also funny how your racist idiots seems to care a lot about women when it comes to shitting on arabs. You’re not better than a trumpist dude. Kill yourself
I do support terrorism. For exemple, 9/11 was great. All those dead yanks. You’re the perfect exemple that your kind are inherently suppremacist and thus deserve to throw themselves off their corpo building hoping the escape the heat.
I wish i had been there
funny how the genapos like yourself just seems to disagree with amnesty and the UN. You suck dude, how do you sleep at night?
lmao you’re such a genociding pos. Average worldist shit innit?
He was a she, asshole. Kill yourself. You are an evil heartless person who deserve to have his bitchy nail removed and then dipped in salt. You’re too stupid to realize you’re with the empire, cunt. Go end your shitty life and it will be a net positive for humanity
Depends. If you want to draft me, fuck off. If invaders come in my neighborhood, I’ll be in the wood blowing bombs like my ancestors did when the germans came.
What you’re from norway or canadian or something?
It’s easier to be egalitarian when your loaded with oil money, isn’t it?
I really hope we hang your leaders and apply a massive denazification campain.
Your americans scumbags sent the bombs that killed my friend in lebannon. The fact your retarded country’s “other side” is even worst doesn’t absolve you from the guilt of having voted for a genocider.
Look. I am a regular person, with a heart, flesh and blood.
I hate you and I wish I could repeatedly punch you in the face until your face is powdered.
the dems ARE killing people. It’s just that they aren’t americans so they don’t matter according to the genapos
The boss: steal most of the profit
The worker: hey stop stealing, i’m the one working
Idiotic centrists: hEy MayBe You CaN JusT LeT Him SteaL A LittLe BiT
how is that a bad thing? Right wingers deserve it
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You live in a wood, you genocided the samyz and forced sterilisation was still a thing a couple of decades ago