Oh weird, I didn’t even think about that. Yeah anything with dynamic ads would likely set them per country, I suppose. So some places wouldn’t have anything to go in the slot.
I’m not sure it’s a very good story but the fx and stuff all has so much heart that’s it’s hard to dislike it. Overall we’re having a lot of fun with it, even when we’re kind of laughing at it rather than with it.
Popping back in to say that this is a really good show! Going right into the regular rotation, thanks for doing what you do.
A friend of mine has been slowly working through Farscape with me and Stargate is on our short list for what to watch next. I’ll definitely be pushing for it even harder now, got the first three episodes of the podcast loaded up and ready to go lol
This 1000%. Stop separating your words from their meanings.
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
I’ve been looking for a good excuse to dig into Stargate anyway, so that’s perfect.
I have what doctors call “dumb ears” and have zero musical ability. But I’m going to listen anyway, no one can stop me!
Sounds fun, adding it to the list! My own show just hit 500, so I know how tough it is to stick to it week after week, kudos to them for making it so far.
Yeah that’s a little niche, but you’re going on the MP3 player anyway! I’d rather learn about something new from people who want to talk about it than hears ads played over something I already like :)
I already use sponsorblock and other add-ons for youtube, but I try to spend as little time as possible there. I sync my podcasts to an MP3 player. Thanks for the tip though!
I have a startling revelation. Upon closer inspection it was a piece of wood.
I have lied to you all.