I think you need to address your 4th bullet point and troubleshoot the buffering. That shouldn’t be happening. Are you streaming from outside your LAN when this happens or does it happen even when inside your LAN?
I think you need to address your 4th bullet point and troubleshoot the buffering. That shouldn’t be happening. Are you streaming from outside your LAN when this happens or does it happen even when inside your LAN?
Can you explain your disclaimer? You suggest not setting your AD domain to a web address you use, like one for self hosted sites? So you buy 2 domains, one for AD and one for sites? Or you use an internal domain for AD?
What about ddns?
Edit: never mind reread your comment and saw the port forwrding caveat. Sorry pal.
Thanks. I didn’t realize syslog would help. Just configured it to send to my grafana/loki server. Not sure if it’s really helping, but seems like maybe it’s a bit faster. I’ve long since done everything listed here and more, but in the last couple months my nextcloud has seemed a bit sluggish for some reason.
Lidarr organizes it for me.
DavX for contacts and Calendar
jtxBoard for notes, todos, and journals.
Not sure on the first one. I’ve only had that happen on certain clients, but the fact that it happens in the web UI throws me for a loop. Have you dug into the logs when it happens? Looks like there is a debug option you can set in config. I’m assuming you don’t use tailscale to connect while on LAN? When troubleshooting I usually try to eliminate things one at a time. Disconnect from tailscale to eliminate that possibility, connect via IP instead of hostname to eliminate reverse proxy from the situation and see if it improves, etc.
Regarding out and about, what is your upload speed? Are you using direct play or are you transcoding?