“you thought you did something there, didn’t you?”

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023


  • I think it’s more about how we think about the Turning test and how we use it as a result-- a hammer does a pretty poor job of installing a screw, but does that mean the hammer was designed wrong?

    Turing called this test an “imitation game” because that’s exactly what it was-- the whole point of the test was to determine whether a system could give convincing enough responses that a human couldn’t reliably identify whether they were speaking to a human or a machine. Cleverbot passed the Turing test countless times, but people don’t ask it to solve their homework or copywrite for them.

    From the wiki article on the Turing Test:

    The test results would not depend on the machine’s ability to give correct answers to questions, only on how closely its answers resembled those a human would give

  • Gabe has said multiple times he would never sell Valve to Microshaft.

    Every time I see these “rumors” I can’t help but think that they are a malicious tactic by Microshaft to try and influence their more longshot buyout offers-- Microshaft really really wants Valve, this has been known for at least a decade. And some overzealous young execs are foolishly ready to try and pressure Valve with these bullshit tactics, completely unaware of what dangerous game they are playing legally.

    I have no doubt in my mind Valve will never be sold to Microshaft or come anywhere close to it so long as Gabe or his confidants are at the helm. They are ex-Microsoft employees. They built Windows 3.0. They know it’s inner workings and failings very intimately and they only begrudgingly tolerate Windows because it’s the dominant market share. That’s the whole reason SteamOS and Steam Deck exist, to chip away at Microsoft’s attempts to monopolize PC gaming. And that’s exactly why Microsoft is hoarding IP and restricting their most prestigious titles, like Halo, to Windows through anticheat.

    Whoever is starting these rumors are either pathetically stupid and attention hungry or are spreading misinformation in a hail mary at the behest of Microshaft.

  • I see your point, but the premise backed by that last sentence is fundamentally flawed in my eyes because prejudice leads to division. If you assume there is a high chance that any man you meet is a rapist, then you’ll avoid men and eventually have so little interaction with men that you begin to believe they all de facto equate to this mental image of a monster. And that is the problem.

    I’m going to follow this up later, maybe not today, with my interpretation of rape statistics for anyone willing to discuss, because now I’m curious how that would contribute to this discussion. Here’s what I have so far, anyone is free to contribute to the discussion:

    According to RAINN:

    • ~18% US females experience sexual assault
    • ~3% US males experience sexual assault

    What I’m looking for specifically here, in addition to other context, is what percentage of each anatomical sex demographic is responsible for perpetrating. It is perhaps a given that it will be disproportionately male, but I need numbers to illustrate my perspective. Also need to account for domestic abuse and whatever else can be used as an argument for why either sex is dangerous to the other, open to any serious suggestions, will ignore any insincere discussion at this point.