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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • my guy have you been to hexbear or lemmygrad? every other post on those forums are just people whining about westerners treating china and russia like they’re totalitarian/dictatorships and genocidal (because they are) and then saying that the US is even worse with less freedom of speech and more authoritarian. and obviously the constant uyghur genocide denial saying they’re just being “(re)educated” and they’re “integrating” with the mainland communities/culture more, then deflecting and rationalizing that even if it is genocide then it’s good because US wage slavery & prison labour is bad.

    plus calling ukraine nazis and in general being anti-ukraine, saying that ukrainians want to be part of russia and that ukraine was better off as part of the soviet empire, claiming that putin was justified in invading “because NATO” even though there was no way in hell of ukraine joining NATO (they don’t accept unstable countries or countries with foreign non-NATO military/rebel presence) and even after NATO started backing away from ukraine in order to please russia (tankie claims which are silly and a sick joke)…

    it’s not nearly as bad on lemmy.ml, it’s mostly limited to the minority here, but the other two are definitely filled to the brim with imperialists/red nazis in denial…

  • The US gets 1/5 of its power from nuclear energy, and produces 2,000 metric tons of nuclear waste per year – only enough to fill about half of the volume of an olympic-sized swimming pool (and about the same weight as 10 wind turbines).

    Only 3% of all of that waste is actually long-lived and highly radioactive, potentially requiring isolation from the environment. In France, this number goes down to 0.2% due to fuel being reprocessed.

    Taking that into consideration, that means it would take about 2/3 of a century for the US to produce enough dangerous nuclear waste to fill this pool completely. And it can still be way more efficient.

    Nuclear produces negligible amounts of actual waste for the amount of energy it gives us. The problems with nuclear aren’t at all the waste, rather it’s the current highly used methods that are used to harvest the fuel (slave labour and unsafe, dirty, destructive drilling). Very similar problems faced with, say, lithium and cobalt.

  • I literally stated it in the comment. It’s clear I was talking about providing kids the food they need to develop properly and not suffer from malnutrition.

    It’s not about “ham sandwich worse than nothing” it’s about the fact that you’re taking people’s shock and complaints, and immediately going to use these “ham sandwiches” to deflect from the issue of kids’ lunch debt being legal in the first place. And many of your comments under this post are just “actually it’s not technically the child’s debt”. You’re presenting parents not sending kids in with barely-meals as the problem.

    The issue to focus on isn’t “the parents”. The blame often isn’t even on parents. The blame is on conservatives, on our society, on people who rail against the basic welfare that every civilized, developed, first-world country has.

    As far as everyone else is concerned, you’re just trying to make excuses for the right causing our country’s dysfunction, and you’re trying to defend the existence of school lunch debt by using parents as a scapegoat and saying they’re the ones that really cause this.

  • sorry but a ham sandwich and an apple aren’t even close to enough to be an apt meal for a child, for many kids school lunch is the most nutrition they get in a day and ripping that away from them is evil. the advice in your comment is terrible.

    sliced meats sold in the US generally have EXTRAORDINARILY little nutrition, and are pretty expensive, while at the same time having a fuck ton of salt stuffed into them both for flavour and as preservatives. all you’re doing with a ham sandwich is wasting money to give your kids malnutrition and high blood pressure. sliced cheeses are less bad but they’re mostly salt and saturated fats still – and are still very little nutrition compared to the cost.

    the most nutritious thing is the bread, but the most commonly bought bread slices are mostly just grains other than fiber, which while not necessarily a problem is still NOT something that can compensate for the lack of nutrition in the meal.

    fruits are great and all but they’re only one part of our diets, it can be really difficult both money and time wise to do everything else. schools shouldn’t be ADDING on to that difficulty, they should be helping families with it instead.

    but instead of that, our country is filled with people like you who choose to deflect from the issue of a dysfunctional social welfare system by pretending it’d be manageable if only it weren’t for those bad parents. i agree that most parents don’t deserve their kids, but it’s not always in their control, and regardless of that, whether or not a kid won the birth lottery is completely irrelevant to it – we should guarantee that ALL kids can, without shame and without punishment, get the food that they need to develop properly.

  • Is this the child’s debt? No its the parents’ debt for something they needed to buy for their child.

    Except for the fact that the child is punished for it via methods such as not being allowed to graduate if there’s any of this debt whatseoever, and in the language of the paperwork & websites used to pay it off it’s generally portrayed as debt belonging to the child.

    Kids also used to flat out be refused food if they had lunch debt, but now kids just get a shitty non-nutritious “debt” lunch instead which is better than nothing I guess (but still causes them to be judged by peers). It’s actually not even illegal to prevent stigmatizing/shaming kids who have this debt…

    I was nearly prevented from graduating (in Georgia, the same state in this article) because I owed something like $4 or $16 in “debt” to the school, lol. Schools can also prevent you from advancing to the next grade if you have debt.

    It’s also completely legal to withhold school records, report cards, etc. from students if debt is unpaid – so even if the student graduates, have fun getting the things you need to go to college… oh wait, they’re not going to college anyways because they definitely can’t afford that. I don’t think they do that here though.

    Also your comparison with ballet lessons is bad. Those are outside of the school system, outside any government organization, and it’s completely the parent’s responsibility and choice to even enroll the student in such things. The education system, and basic human needs like lunch, are completely different. Your remark comes off as you commodifying school lunches, treating it like a child’s basic human needs are even remotely comparable to voluntary non-school activities.

    If you were to compare it rather to, band or drama or ballet class (extracurriculars) then I would actually say the point still completely stands for those too – such things can be vital to a child’s health, development, and social life, and to assign DEBT to participate in those activities is absurd and directly affects the students negatively. My school was one of the few in my area where it didn’t cost hundreds of dollars just to participate in band in middle and high school. And it still costed a lot of money to do things like marching band, because the program was underfunded! A majority of extracurricular funding goes to sports, specifically football, in most of the south, so programs like band had to have parents of students sponsor them for tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars, and to do plenty of fundraising events, just to make it so we could function. Students still had to contribute a lot of money if they wanted to do specific things.

    That’s just band, but there are many examples. That wasn’t my parent’s debt, that was my debt. When I had the opportunity to take AP tests and the like and potentially get scholarships, I was ashamed to do so in the fear that I might fail and waste my family’s money. And I’m still lucky in this regard, because many other kids can’t afford those things, and they can’t take on the debt because it prevents them from graduating. With the fucked state of financial aid/welfare in the US, many of those kids don’t even qualify to have those kinds of costs covered by the state, so at best they’re left in shame with the only other choice being to beg and hope that the people they go to aren’t dismissive or can help.

    It is the student’s debt, practically. They get all the consequences and they’re treated like they’re responsible. If it wasn’t their debt, they wouldn’t be prevented from graduating their grade, or graduating high school, or being given proper nutrition, or doing extracurriculars.

  • current@lemmy.mltoMildly Infuriating@lemmy.worldMy ex wants me back
    6 months ago

    I live in a partially suburban partially rural area about 45 mins from the nearest mid-sized city.

    Before, we had Windstream, $75/mo for cable internet that AT BEST got to ~5 megabytes per second (40 megabits per second) download speed and extremely little upload speed wireless, which always started cutting out constantly, was extremely unstable, terrible customer support, every time we complained they said our issues were caused by our router which we only had for a few months to a year and replaced it before it started doing the same thing after a few weeks or months. Near the end, video games just became unplayable and having to download even small files was a nightmare. Terrible experience overall.

    We recently switched to Clearwave fiber, which is new to our area, $70/mo for 1 gigabyte download and upload speed (allegedly) presumably when wired. Wireless speed wise, the raw download speed isn’t exactly impressive but it can get to 7-8 megabytes per second which is definitely better, but the upload speed is WAY better and matches or surpasses download speed. But the most important thing so far is the consistency, the connection doesn’t just drop out randomly like the previous provider did, and I actually get a good connection on games.

    I ordered this 30ft Cat6A cable from Monoprice for about $10 on sale on Amazon, looking forward to see how the ethernet experience is with them.