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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Breaking things is the best way to learn. Accidentally deleting your container data is one of the best ways to learn how to not do that AND learn about proper backups.

    Breaking things and then trying to restore from a backup that…doesn’t work. Is a great way to learn about testing backups and/or properly configuring them.

    The corrolary to this is: just do stuff. Analysis paralysis is real. You can look up a dozen “right ways” to do things and end up never starting.

    My advice: just start. If you end up backing yourself into a corner where you can’t scale or easily migrate to another solution, oh well. You either learn that lesson or figure out a way to migrate. Learning all along the way.

    Each failure or screw up is worth a hundred “best practice / how to articles”.

  • The new season feels “fun” again (to me at least). Last season was the worst it’s ever been in terms of BR. The TDM/mixtape stuff was all I played.

    This season BR and ranked is fun again. The tweaking they did has me enjoying it much more. The ranked is better because you can overcome bad teammates a little easier because it’s not a rat-fest where kills don’t matter (a la last season). I basically only solo q because my friends gave up on it a couple seasons back.

    Don’t get me wrong. It can still be infuriating and you still get absolute dog shit teammates or occasionally rolled by a 3-stack, but it seems less frequent.

    And mm in tdm is pretty good most of the week. I end up with really close games alot(eg 50-48 ). The weekends seem to mess it up though and its more common to get the 50-20 style shellacking where it’s super lopsided.

    And controller aim assist and cross play is still super noticeable. when you get shot from someone on a console if feels like old school lag.

  • The mistlands really killed the momentum I had in that game. Super fun being able to see 10 feet in front of you, not being able to move that well because vertical movement in the game is meh at best, etc.

    My buddies felt the same way so we all just collectively stopped playing over the course of a couple of weeks.

    I love it with friends. I hate it and get bored out of my mind playing alone.

  • It has all the familiar symptoms of a big apple release in the works. Theyve been putting ML cores in chips for ages, all of their stuff now has them. They’ve been letting Siri languish for years. It’s become a running joke about how bad it’s been.

    Remember when everyone was upset that they were letting the MacBook line languish and weren’t “putting effort into it anymore/don’t care about professionals”? Then they dropped the m series chip laptops, the Mac studio etc. and its balls fast with specialized Asics for video processing etc.

    It feels like that pattern to me. Like that team is heads down and apples working on it. So they say very little about it in any of their briefings but the hardware is there ( which they also, weirdly haven’t been advertising as much). Seriously those ML cores outperform an old 1080ti I have in a server by orders of magnitude.

    it seems like it’d go right along with their “privacy” focused branding too. And now that these other companies are doing the very public beta testing apple can tune it.

    Oh and they have all of these hooks available to iOS and Mac users(Mac specifically) with their apple script stuff. Imagine Siri being able to automate a task you do by just asking her?

    Anyway, could be wrong but I’d be excited to see it happen.

  • They are trying to insure their company survival. Imagine if they didn’t put money into R&D for a car and something happened where, for example, Google produced one or EVs really took off in a big way. Or self-driving cars became a reality.

    They’d be sol.

    So you’ll see companies like apple, meta, etc try a lot of different things as they attempt to read the tea leaves. They are one big tech breakthrough away from being irrelevant.

    I’ve been predicting for a while though that siri will be turned into an AI that runs locally using the metal cores.

    I’m genuinely surprised they haven’t dropped that on us and are focused on VR.

  • I was proud too. I was starting to think either I was an asymptomatic carrier or I was immune unlike the rest of you peasants with weak immune systems. My wife had it and I took care of her the entire time she was sick, and I never got it.

    I was in the ICU COVID wing for weeks when my dad got sick (immuno compromised lung transplant situation:( ). I still never got it.

    But alas, I guess I had just been lucky. I got it after last thanksgiving. The only one in my family to. My wife and baby never got it from me either. It’s such a weird sickness in that sense.

    For what it’s worth I was all vaccinated and up to date. As soon as I was able to get each round I did. I wore a mask for a little longer than most people but haven’t really worn one for a year or so? Honestly don’t remember when I stopped. I wore one again when my baby was born for a few months.

  • I know this is going to be a hot take especially on the lemmyverse, but that’s not the fundamental problem.

    The issue in question is: should a company that provides a product, one whose value proposition is focused on a cohesive ecosystem and experience, be forced to break down their walled garden to let people create a new app store or install apps in a way that’s outside that companies vision for their own product.

    My personal opinion is that it’s a dumb fight for apple to take, because 99.9% of their users will never deviate from their app store. But I understand why they are fighting it. I’d fight it too. Huge companies that have made a fortune benefiting from the apple ecosystem have gotten so big they want to take even more and forgot how much value apples environment and user based provides them.

  • Email is inherently insecure and not private. If you need private and secure communication use a different protocol.

    If you just don’t want Google or Microsoft to read through your emails ( completely reasonable) then that’s where the “private” and “encrypted” providers come in, imo.

    No matter what, your email provider can read all of your emails if they want unless you encrypt the actual content before sending. But even then the meta data is all available. So you have to trust your email provider.

    But also it’s not a secure protocol. Pick something better if you need security and privacy.