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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2024

  • There’s a “models” directory inside the directory where you installed the webui. This is where the model files should go, but they also have supporting files (.yaml or .json) with important metadata about the model.

    The easiest way to install a model is to let the webui download the model itself:

    Screenshot of Oobaboga's WebUI with the model tab open and the model names from HuggingFace entered

    And after it finishes downloading, just load it into memory by clicking the refresh button, selecting it, choosing llama.cpp and then load (perhaps tick the ‘CPU’ box, but llama.cpp can do mixed CPU/GPU inference, too, if I remember right).

    Screen of the model page in Oobaboga's WebUI with the model ready to be loaded

    My install is a few months old, I hope the UI hasn’t changed to drastically in the meantime :)

  • I had a gig as a software developer at a company that tried to organize its software development with… the most horrid call center ticketing system I’ve ever seen.

    The software was named “TANSS” (an acronym for “transaction action notification solution system” which… says a lot… in a certain way). It couldn’t handle UTF-8 and the company had Asian customers, it placed the signature of a different company under each message sent to a customer and project management might as well have been non-existent (supposedly the crapper of a ticketing system had “projects” but it was just a super naive lining up of tasks without buffer times, burndown/velocity chart or anything).

    The expensive p.o.s. was strong-armed into the company, probably because one of the company owners had a background in tech support crap where you’re generally chasing billable minutes.

    I don’t know if it was unprofessional by me, but I quickly refused to interact with the whole thing and handed in my notice (and I had actually liked the company and my tasks up until that point). Even Jira, which many consider a highly unpleasant system to work with, felt lean, responsive and fun after that experience.

    It’s been over 6 years, but I can state with certainty, if I see that system in use anywhere, my respect is gone and whether customer or employer, they’ll be a hot potato in my hands form that moment on :)

  • I think the main principle behind it is what conservatives call “virtue signaling” - associating with things that make them appear pious, strong or respectable to signal to others how virtuous they themselves are.

    • Running around with “God Wins” flags and spouting bible quotes online both gives them an edge in discussion (in the “if you disagree with me you’re going against god” sense) and makes them appear pious
    • Similarly, carrying around guns and posting pictures of their guns and tacticool gear is an attempt to appear strong and dangerous
    • Same with flags or flag-themed clothes, calling themselves patriots and so on once again hits into the same notch.

    From my PoV your observation seems spot on. A good portion of Amerca’s religious community these days is just appropriating religion for the respect and authority it brings while practicing almost none of its virtues.

    I think, as a big picture view, any religion is very prone to drift. If you demand utter reverence and obedience to a god that is at the same time also the weakest possible being (one that doesn’t exist), you get a plaything that stands for everything and for nothing - aka whatever the general mood of the population wants or what those who are most adept at assuming its authority want it to be.

    Consider “Prosperity Theology,,” popular in Nigeria, for example, where an entire subculture has assumed the belief that the god from Christianity rewards the pious with material wealth, thus, the richer one is, the more faithful and holier they must be.

    • An amusing way people used to wake up early was by drinking extra water before going to sleep. Their full bladder would wake them in the early morning hours (unless they overdid it, in which case they had to use the potty in the middle of the night and then overslept).

    • Animal noises. Most people had animals or lived near other people with animals, so the morning hours had a bunch of typical animal noises (animals, like humans, have an inner clock, and some animals are programmed to wake up before dawn).

    • Logs near the stove. A seasonal thing, but in winter, if you know you usually refill the stove 3 or 4 times during the night, you can tell how much of the night has passed through your wood stack.

    The bi-phasic sleep thing also helped (take a good nap around noon, but also wake up at midnight and drink a beer with the neighbors). The point of midnight may have been rather arbitrary, though.

    As far as I’m aware, candles were affordable, but the average person still couldn’t afford to burn down a candle every day to work or measure time, so once it got dark, normal work ceased and, at best, a family would meet in front of the stove and tell stories, knit or carve for a while.

  • I’m on OpenRC, so I can’t say anything about systemd, but I have several SSHFS mounts (non-auto) listed in my fstab:

    sshfs#root@ /mnt/random-folder fuse noauto,uid=1000,gid=100,allow_other 0 0

    Is that similar to what you’ve tried in your fstab? I’d assume replacing noauto with auto should just work, but then again, I haven’t tried it (and rebooting my system right now would be very inconvenient, sorry).

    It also might require you to either use password-based login and specify the password or store the SSH keys in the .ssh directory of the user doing the mount (should be root with auto set).

  • A perfect demonstration of how Russian indoctrination works right here.

    Original reporting: A major disinfo attack against Europe being prepared by Russia is uncovered through diligent investigation and published and reported on.

    The response:

      1. divert to farmer’s dissatisfaction with several policies
      1. cast disinfo reports as underhanded attempts (by politician Russia wants gone) to arrogantly brush off farmer’s concerns (which the report never even related to)
      1. claim Macron is selling out to EU (here, have a serving of anti-EU sentiment, too)
      1. vaccinate reader against the disinfo being countered (“everyone who tells you otherwise belittles you and hates you, join us in our righteous anger”)

    Emotional framing:

    Nationalists, agricultural owner-operators, and farmers exposed to rising interest rates

    “truckloads of exported Ukranian agricultural salvage” vs. “fresh French produce”

    we’re getting an earful about how all these local yokels are hoodwinked by anti-EU Russian Propaganda

    Macron for selling out the agg sector to financial interests in Brussels

    “If you’re not in favor of (insert supposed evil acts described in lurid way), then you’re a secret spy for Putin and a traitor.”

    Result: The reader comes out the other end an angry person, outraged about the plight of farmers, outraged again at disinfo reports supposedly serving to silence them, outraged once more at a France politician selling them out to the EU, EU painted as high-and-mighty villain, automatic anger against anyone who tells them a different viewpoint ready to trigger.

  • I was actually arguing from the opposite side and thought that the game’s climax was too much :)

    If it would have ended with that “present” left outside the tower door, that would have been a great ending and left me wondering what actually was going on or if there was anything going on at all.

    But the whole


    coven of horned cultists conducting some sort of ritual and chasing you for no good reason

    destroyed the magic and made me assume that the story teller just made up a silly, over-the-top ending in the context of the “satanic panic” some 30-40 years ago.

  • Considering that…

    • The Republicans encouraged him multiple times to buy it
    • He quickly stopped blocking (mainly Russian) state-sponsored social manipulation campaigns
    • He allowed right wing agitators back on the platform
    • He almost immediately banned droves of journalists that weren’t blindly Pro-Russia and Pro-GOP.
    • He censored / banned all kinds of activists that pushed back against authoritarian (Russia-backed) regimes in other countries

    …I have a hunch that he also served the interests of certain political actors with the acquisition. Public town square my lower backside.

  • Yep. The personal responsibility gambit (or should I say fallacy?).

    It was such a clever idea, starting with Coca Cola’s “Litterbug” campaign (where they campaigned against bottle deposits under the guise of wanting “personal responsibility” over “regulations.”)

    It’s “up to the consumer” to make the right choices. It just so happens that the meat from decently treated animals is five times more expensive and that you have to drive 100 miles to buy it. Or that being environmentally conscious has been made into a tiring exercise in futility where you constantly have to inconvenience yourself.

    As an added bonus, individuals trying to convince other individuals to inconvenience themselves in the same way can be painted as obnoxious, holier-than-thou and insufferable. A real double win for unscrupulous big business.

  • Oh, I played that recently, too. I didn’t have any high expectations for Firewatch, but liked the idea that it’s a “true story” sent in by a player.

    But the ending, well… it was like an “but then nothing happened” ending where the story teller artificially made up some wild climax in the mindset of the “satanic panic” hysteria that gripped the late 80s/90s. Still, if I see it as an indie game, it’s okay.

  • Funnily enough, I felt the opposite.

    It was the opposite for me, too :D

    In Doom 2016, the protagonist gave me those “been there, done that, saw it all before” vibes towards humanity’s attempt to use hell energy. He swats anyone away who advises him to wait, be moderate or let them try something else first and simply does his thing. I just don’t get what’s up with the protagonist in Doom Eternal. It feels like some design-by-committee fake badass who does inconsistent things, he suddenly got that “Fort Grayskull” (or is it the “Power Rangers Fortress”?) place and does whatever the Vega AI says. It feels so whack.