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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • I have never really been into anime/manga. However, I received the first book of Dragon Ball book back in the 00’s when the comic arrived in Norway as an add on to a Donald Duck magazine. And heck, I was so hooked. I read the book several times, and when the next book came out, I read that several times as well. For the next few years, every time a new book cmae out, I’d read all the books again. It was an amazing journey. I read the full series through dragon ball and dragon ball z as the only manga I ever got hooked on.

    Thanks for all the amazing sleepless nights under the duvet and a flashlight. Dragon Ball holds a very special place for me.

  • I might be the dumb one in this one, but HR asked me if I know “design patterns”.

    “I mean, yes, I know some design patterns. Any specific?”

    “No, just if you are familiar with design patterns.”

    “I mean, there are builder, strategy, sigleton, factory etc. Is the question really not more specific?”

    “My paper just asks if the dev is familiar with design patterns.”

    “Ok. Yes.”

  • In my previous town there was a restaurant where I had to install an app to order. When ordering, the kitchen would make the meal and put it out on a counter where I had to go and pick it up myself. When ordering drinks, I had to walk over to the bar where a server left the drink out on a table for me to fetch. Basically no interaction with anyone.

    The audacity when the app asked me to leave a tip. Luckily I live in Norway where leaving no tip is completely normal, because civilized employment laws exist.

  • dQw4w9WgXcQ@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldIcon design
    6 months ago

    Just looking at the thumbnail of this post reveals to me that reddit has takgen a bad step. An icon which scales well and is highly recognizable changed to something that looks like a badly generated figure which is way less recognizable. The added colors will make it look worse on different colored backgrounds as well. Not great.

  • Its a nice idea which probably has a lot of complex implications. It would probably be a huge pain to figure out dimensions and compatible electric motors for every brand of non-electric vehicle, so the production of replacements would become very wide. Typically, the battery of an EV isn’t just a brick in the engine room, but it’s a whole range of cells along the length of the vehicle. Using the same space as the combustion engine might leave you with a vehicle with terrible range. Also, the safety of a car takes the engine into account. Replacing a combustion engine with an electrical engine would likely require a whole new safety overview for each individual model.

    I honestly really hope that your suggestion would work, but I’m not expecting to see this becoming a wide solution before EVs dominate the market anyway.