Canadian software engineer living in Europe.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Probably because he cites a lot of stats that might be true, but then couches it in bits the viewer may recognise as misleading.

    His attacks on YouTubers for example included Kurzgesagt (which he’s used as a punching bag before with some rather shallow accusations) where he suggests that they promote carbon capture. If you watch the actual video though, while it does mention CCS as an option, it’s quickly followed by a great deal of caution about how technology won’t save us.

    The clip with Mark Rober and Bill Gates is another one. That video was about meat-free food, something that I would think this guy would support, but he framed it with voiceover and dark music like it’s all a conspiracy to make you complacent while the Big Bad Rich Assholes eat your brain.

    I agree with the premise, but I won’t reshare poorly-researched propaganda.

  • There have been some great answers on this so far, but I want to highlight my favourite part of Docker: the disposability.

    When you have a running Docker container, you can hop in, fuck about with files, break stuff as you try to figure something out, and then kill the container and all of the mess you’ve created is gone. Now tweak your config and spin up a fresh one exactly the way you need it.

    You’ve been running a service for 6 months and there’s a new upgrade. Delete your instance and just start up the new one. Worried that there might be some cruft left over from before? Don’t be! Every new instance is a clean slate. Regular, reproducible deployments are the norm now.

    As a developer it’s even better: the thing you develop locally is identical to the thing that’s built, tested, and deployed in CI.

    I <3 Docker!

  • Actually, I stepped away from the project 'cause I stopped using it altogether. I started the project to satisfy the British government with their ridiculous requirements for proof of my relationship with my wife so I could live here. Once I was settled though and didn’t need to be able to bring up flight itineraries from 5 years ago, it stopped being something I needed.

    Well that, and lemme tell you, maintaining a popular Free software project is HARD. Everyone has an idea of where stuff should go, but most of the contributions come in piecemeal, so you’re left mostly acting as the one trying to wrangle different styles and architectures into something cohesive… while you’re also holding down a day job. It was stressful to say the least, and with a kid on the way, something had to give.

    But every once in a while I consider installing paperless-ngx just to see how it’s come along, and how much has changed. I’m absolutely delighted that it’s been running and growing in my absence, and from the screenshots alone, I see that a lot of the ideas people had when I was helming made it in in the end.

  • Remember that the beautiful, vibrant neighbourhoods we campaign for aren’t monocultures, but diverse spaces for all kinds of living (within reason). 4-6 storeys is expected, as are 1-3 and even 26. The magic is in the planning and use, not so much the verticality.

    Have a look at Vancouver’s West End for example. I lived there for around 10 years and it’s really doing a great job in all the right categories. There’s some single family homes, some town homes, small apartment blocks, historical homes, and some skyscrapers, all situated around mixed use commercial/residential areas, parks, cycling, and transit. It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty great for North America.

    Amsterdam, our favourite model (I lived there for 5 years) also has a broad mix of densities. Though it definitely favours 2-4 storeys, there are many different elevations and I lived in a gorgeous 6-storey apartment block off the Veemkade for some of the greatest years of my life.

    So don’t worry so much about the height. Worry about the spaces between and how they’re planned. Is the transit good, are they prioritising people over cars? Are there parks and other walkable spaces, as well as space for cafés and grocers? That’s the magic right there.